
I 100% disagree they had no part in this.

Iran had stopped providing direct support to Hamas by 2015 due to finding themselves on opposite sides of the Syrian Civil War (Iran and Russia back Assad, Hamas supports certain rebel groups against him). Plus, there’s a pretty big ideological and sectarian divide between the two. Iran sees itself as the preeminent

If it is at all like it’s wearer, it’s most likely that the “A” doesn’t really stand for anything, at all

As far as fandoms go, I’ll take Swifties over NFL folk every time.

Unless he had some long, illustrious war-hero military career it is a weird thing to keep invoking. Dude probably served for a couple years 60 years ago.

I’m not making excuses but I understand the nuances of poverty and people in desperate situations. Perhaps its difficult for people like you that label everything as black & white, right & wrong, but not sure why you’re so pressed about Cardi B when this article has nothing to do with it. Cardi didn’t come to my mind

Cardi B expressed major regret and it was clear from her story that she was dealing with trauma from those days. This is not the same situation, but nice try.

This is the only good argument I’ve heard about the case, when it seems like most of the arguments are divided between one side being icky and the other being gross. I’m curious where this legal principle is written up, since I’ve never seen it stated this way before.

You’re here more than the full time employees. You may not see it, but that is tremendously pathetic.

Cancel culture isn’t real, and it’s good that it happens.”

It’s all made up. What they supposedly want, what they don’t want, etc. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

And to me more importantly the question is what do the locals who are right there actually want and need?

The AV Club

Honestly, my first thought was “We stopped ‘burning witches’ when we stopped listening to people like you. Now we’re getting close to doing it again, and who are we listening to?”

After reading the headline, and then reading an actual article about this, it seems you never will, either

Yeah, I know. I’ve been seeing him comment here for months. He just happened to be out of the greys and with a few replies already, so I decided to chime in for once.

Fox is 100% correct here - professional relationships can get very sticky when there is a financial element introduced to them beyond the standard scope of the transaction. Very very sticky. Particularly when there are significant wealth disparities between the client and the professional. Accepting large sums outside

“so for now the matter remains a maddening he-said-she-said situation” I’m perfectly fine with Ellen and her quarterly box fucking all the way off, but shouldn’t Kurtz be able and expected to provide something like evidence that the request was both made and originated from someone in Ellen’s organization?

For the life of me I can’t understand how we started accepting as authority some rando on twitter.  If it was some dumbass sounding off on a street corner you’d rightly ignore him.  Give him a twitter account and now we’re supposed to care??

I don’t understand the point you are trying to make. Might makes right? I run a YouTube channel for my job. It only has a few hundred subscribers. Does that mean that the Mr. Beast channel is “better”? It’s two completely different channels, with different audiences, created for two completely different reasons.