
And whenever they did elevate family they made the wrong decision. Essentially the plot of the first season is, hey, what’s a little murder between family members. And of course, being family is more important than being a sex trafficking victim.

There seems to be something about professors that makes some of them think that life’s rules don’t apply to them I guess. I know this because I have been in professorial ranks. The department chair didn’t like me and used unethical means to get rid of me. One of the means he tried that didn’t work? He hired an escort

Exactly.  There’s way too much “I’m just being honest” and not enough “that’s a real person you’re talking about.”

I’m skeptical about the “we’d move on” part. Jamie Lee Curtis, while acknowledging her privileges, recently explained how exacerbating it’s been for her to deal with the nepo baby issue throughout her 40+ year career:

I know it’s idealistic, but click-farming doesn’t *require* bad writing, or actively getting things wrong to drive engagement.

Right, I was going to say that Joe Biden is also an American Catholic who opposed overturning Roe v. Wade.

I agree. This idea has the oily stink of Elise Stefanik all over it.

Despite its wild success, it has been cast as unserious, unintellectual smut.

That’s certainly one way to tell us you’ve never read Orwell.

It’s absolute bullshit to act like nations should hold hands and sing kumbaya with people who recently attacked them.

That’s not how activism works.

And by Congress wants Biden to do something about it, you actually mean house democrats. The headline implies something totally different. 🙄

Right?! I was like, “Congress? Or House Democrats? Because before every member of Congress listed in that article, I see “Rep.” and after every name, I see “D--”

Wait, does nobody else see this as a work? This is like a wrestling shoot now, ginning up “controversy” with a high profile back and forth where nobody actually says anything. He’s talking to his fans, she’s talking to her fans, they both get a bunch of free promotion and social media burn. He sells more albums, she

A. She was joking and B. Even if she was dead serious, it’s still no legal basis for appeal.

You’re an idiot.

So, you’re not a lawyer, then?

Even if Trump can somehow put up the 80 mil required before he can appeal, they have no basis for appeal. The trial judge bent over backward not to fuck things up, and bless him.

Well stated....and WAY too nuanced for a lot of the commenters out there.

I assume it's including ones who were already born by the start of the IDF's campaign.