
Is there a documented alternative narrative, perhaps from Osage historians or historical documents, that depict Mollie behaving in a way that would have been more satisfying to you?

Hey Kady, any chance of getting rid of the TurkishPrince troll?

Sigh. I’m fighting a losing battle here and I know it. But this:

This. It’s Dolly fucking Parton. Show up, know the lyrics, and give Parton the respect and honour she deserves.

As a Queer person, I will not be fucking silent. I will support a people being murdered en masse but I will not lend my energy to their continuation of a system that would stone me to death in the town square for being being queer. I will not blindly support the forced birth of raped girls in “arranged marriages.” I

It’s ironic to be incorrect about the meanings of “accent” and “dialect” and then allude to a “person who knows what they’re talking about about.”

The definition I got when I looked up “accent” is “a distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, area, or social class.” That would seem to be exactly what this is: the Minnesotan characters (a particular area) have a distinctive way (particularly drawn out vowel

within one’s native language, accents are impossible”

That statement is simply incorrect. Accents are differences in pronunciation of words. Dialects are different words and vocabulary.

BTW, the Minnesota accent is NOT limited to the upper north of the state.


... so not a significant error given the normal parlance of how we talk about language here in the US.

Someone said something you don’t like. (“I don’t like those jokes”). The HORROR.

“I’m equating them because they are both anodyne, useless jokes that the subjects of which are far, far above responding to beyond an eyeroll.”

Because it’s both mean and not true.

I don’t know, man... If I said something publicly that was wildly inaccurate and unfunny in addition to being rude, I’d want to apologize.

Why do you think being a jerk is a virtue?

Breathe a little bit, and maybe go outside. Perspective is important. She didn’t manufacture anything. She got caught on camera talking to another human being.

Because he did it missionary?

Is Amal Clooney supposed to have hidden something? Her involvement in most any given proceeding is probably a matter of public record. I mean, I doubt she’s going around bragging about how she defended dictators or alleged war criminals before the ICJ or ICC, but I don't think that constituted "hiding".

Calling it now: Future Dancing with the Stars or Masked Singer contestant thanks to an utterly coked out of his mind jackass executive within 5 years.