
No chance I knew what I was doing.

You got that right.

Imagine typing all of those topic-adjacent honkeyshines like it had anything to do with the actual topic at hand.

Respectfully, this piece is in very poor taste. I actually agree with the general premise of it: I was a public defender for the first four years of my career. The prison system is very corrupt, and I have long advocated for there to be an age cut off for people who no longer pose a threat to society to be released.

The first paragraph of your comment begins and ends by criticizing the behavior of the person being threatened with revenge porn. Not with a repudiation of Mills; not with a repudiation of revenge porn; not even with empty lead-in language—rather, you just chastise the victim right out of the gate. And while I

“there is nothing inherently cruel about killing”

I’m an environmental scientist/policy analyst. What are you talking about?? Is this really a biological essentialist case for being anti-vegan? Plenty of people are vegan and live normal, healthy lives. Soybean production is a danger to the Amazon but that ignores the myriad of policy, industry, and geopolitical

FYI you and Gizmodo don’t actually have to report it each time these guys’ market caps switch places temporarily.

Just because I’m the only one who seems to adore it so, shout out to her theme song (with Bono and The Edge) from Goldeneye. That song still rocks.

“That’s because they made this statue a little fucked-up looking on purpose, which is admittedly kind of iconic of them.”

The chapstick, ew.

So why not point out he’s doing a bad job at DOT rather than intentionally misconstrue something he said that has nothing to do with transportation? 

I think people are just looking for reasons to complain about Pete at this point and this is more to do with certain progressives not liking that he’s bourgeois. 

Didn’t mean to imply you were implying they could just run rampant. But internet comment section, so I feel I need to explain what I mean ad nauseum. nOT THAT YOU DISAGREED OR AGREED WITH MY POINT. And oh god cap lock.

Oh I don’t know that anyone has accused them of anything. But I also don’t trust a PR person for them to be volunteering anything about anything that they may have done (such as reckless driving) to ditch the paparazzi.

I wasn’t giving you shit. You started talking to me, moron.

Yeah, he’s one of those folks that thinks that monomania is expertise, and stamina is an adequate replacement for a coherent argument. Ultimately  his goal here is to defend the incel wordlview without the typical incel vulgarity. He sneaks under people’s radar as a result.

Oh gawd, I learned this one the hard way. I thought I was being trolled until I realized he really did not understand what I was writing…AND KEPT GOING even after I said I wasn’t reading anymore.

Fuck off, incel.

Well, the British monarchy is at least powerless. The number of people who are elected and then never in danger of losing their seats, a president voted in by “Electors” with only passing connection to the will of the voters, nepotistic and celebrated political “dynasties”, a Supreme court where all of the justices