
People from Disney created this documentary , not Sheeran. It was meant to emphasize the contrast between the extreme highs and extreme lows and the struggle to achieve balance when in the process of grieving , crisis, at the same time as being constantly in the public eye.

“you’ll see savvy and careerist inclinations.”

I don’t care, but I also don’t care that people are fans of him.

determined to paint Sheeran as not just an everyman but an underdog

Plus, uh, Barrett getting confirmed in late October 2020 after millions of people had already voted in a presidential election—an election that would oust the man who nominated her—is just an eternal stain on this woman’s tenure.

Elections are not term limits.

Thanks for writing this, even if it stays grey. This blog selectively reads or misunderstands the show in order to fit a convenient narrative, mostly based on tabloid rumors and tiktok gossip.

his message made me laugh and he’s starred more than you lol

not sure what your problem is with an actor having preferences about what they like to watch. do you need a nap? are you just that special kind of dumbfuck that seems like they’ll die if they don’t complain out loud for others to hear every five minutes like some kind of embarrassing negativity-fueled shark?

If there’s one thing that Americans on all sides of the ideological ‘aisle’ can agree on, it’s the desire to PUNISH PUNISH PUNISH. FWIW, I agree with your arguments, but you’re not going to get through to a group of people who froth at the mouth at the slightest suggestion that their punitive society is broken.

I’ve watched one documentary about Elizabeth Holmes. She seems like a person I would not want to be around, she is undoubtedly a fraudster. But beyond that, I don’t know enough about her to know whether she is “inherently cruel and harmful,” and certainly not enough to know whether keeping her away from her children

It’s cruel because it is cruel to rip children away from their parents. The timing of the pregnancy doesn’t make that not cruel. It’s cruel to the parents, and it’s cruel to the children who are innocent of any wrongdoing. I’m not into policing people’s reproductive choices or their motivations for their reproductive

Okay, mine was a serious question as well. I’m not sure what would have made you think I’m joking. I didn’t say there was no distinction, I was asking what you think the relevance of that distinction was to what my point was, especially in light of the fact that most of the women in that statistic probably also got

You should care about the effects of caging parents away from their young children on those children, who are innocent of criminal wrongdoing.  You don’t care about children’s suffering?

Maybe! People say that about people living in poverty or near-poverty who have children, too. I’m not in the habit of policing people’s reproductive choices, but if that’s the road you’d like to go down, it’s a free country, knock yourself out.

Is that?

Maybe it is a blatant attempt to stay out of jail. I don’t care about that. What I care about is the cruelty, not only to Holmes but also to her children, who are innocent of any wrongdoing, of caging her away from her children. It’s cruel whenever it happens, it doesn’t become less cruel just because I happen to know

The relevance of that difference being what exactly? That difference doesn’t stop making it cruel to cage mothers and separate them from their newborn children, who are innocent of any wrongdoing in any event. Also, the stat in that quote from the article is about women giving birth IN PRISON, which would mean, for

Who fucking cares when she had the kid?If she’s “playing for sympathy” from me, she wins, regardless of her motivation, because I will never not have sympathy for families ripped apart because of the pointless operation of the machinery of the carceral system.  It doesn’t stop being cruel just because she may not have

Notably, it’s an accommodation that many other pregnant people who face prison sentences and don’t share Holmes’ privileged background are routinely denied. Roughly 2,000 babies are born to incarcerated pregnant people annually.