
Student Loan Forgiveness just makes everything worse. Why did education get some expensive? Well we gave a bunch of cheap money away. Great, everyone can get a loan! Cool we’ll just keep raising our prices! Now they don’t have to pay? Let’s make it even more expensive!

Maybe discussing the way they sell fake “trad wife” as the lure to bring men to their OnlyFans sites would be more interesting than pretending women are actually competing here?

“Honestly, I find myself wondering why the hell we’re still fighting over straight cis men (arguably the most unimpressive of our species) in the year 2023"

Brendan isn't being ungrateful. He was assaulted by the former head of the HFPA. You know...the people who run The Globes...

How can you type out that Brendan Fraser is “ungrateful” for saying what he did and feeling the way he does about the Golden Globes? It was Philip Berk, the president (at the time) of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association that (allegedly) assaulted him in 2003 and then had him blacklisted from Hollywood when Fraser

Uh, Brendan Fraser was sexually assaulted by the former president of the HFPA (behind the Golden Globes). And the Golden Globes did nothing. So is it ungrateful or is he ABSOLUTELY entitled to that sentiment?

JFC. Before calling Brendan Fraser “ungrateful” for not wanting a Golden Globe, maybe learn *anything at all* about Brendan Fraser’s beef with the Golden Globes? That’s just a breathtakingly callous thing to say.

I’m sorry but this was a very cultish type of read. 

“John made the site to provoke the left on campus and to draw attention to the hypocrisy of some modern-day feminists.”

I’ve read enough of that type of comment to not interpret it as generously as you. Regardless, my point about Google or the search feature on the website (which is actually quite good compared to its many problems), still stands.

Fuck off. Both things can be true: she will likely always have the means to jump on a private plane to another country, but she may also care very deeply that she (and everyone) should not have to do that to get life-saving medical care. Because if these Christian Nationalists have their way with a national ban, that

So, when you typed this comment out, what did you think you were contributing to the discussion? Are you insulting a woman of means for having those means? Or do you think this is a cynical ploy to... what, exactly?

The article said Canada left the commonwealth in 1982, I was identifying an error (which it looks like they’ve now fixed). Not commenting on the morality of it (I don’t disagree with you).

Canada is still part of the commonwealth.

That’s a lot of words saying you’re perfectly fine with suppressing someone’s right to worship because you don’t believe in magic sky guy.

who said i prayed? suppression of rights doesn’t make you a hero.

Jeez, I guess someone never aged out of their “edgy atheist teenager” phase . . .

Please go research the role of the monarch in the British constitutional monarchy, and then come back. She’s not allowed to have a public opinion about ANYTHING that matters. It’s the whole point of having a head of state who’s not also the head of government.

I heard the chief monarch of a thieving and raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating

Well, so long as the whole, “Let’s try to get the offender fired/shamed” routine is out there, you can’t really blame all sides for using it.

Free speech means others get to speak too. And sometimes, those others are more valuable to your bosses or friends than you are.

Wishing a 96-year-old woman a painful death does