
Read up on what is required for Canada to abolish the monarchy and you will understand why the answer is “NOPE”

I don't have an answer that will satisfy you. You have a sense of how things should be, ideally, and that's fine, but no suggestion for how things would actually change, or who would do the changing, or what legal mechanism they would use to get there. We agree on the end result, the question is how to get there. You

Unfortunately the provinces do need to be involved if we’re opening up the constitution. We can’t just arbitrarily change jurisdictional powers, either.

Last time we tried to rewrite some paperwork Quebec wouldn’t sign it.

Listen, I really am no monarchist. My family is métis and many attended residential schools. What I'm taking issue with is your insistence that it would be as simple as swapping out the money. It's definitely a project worth taking on, but it's ridiculous to insist that it's a simple fix.

because other countries power derives elsewhere, the crown exists as a body of power and parliament makes decisions on behalf of the crown, here and in the UK. It’s just how things are codified here, if things are changed it’d honestly open the doors to question if any of the legislation made on behalf of the crown

The royal family is not the same thing as the crown.

The royal family and the crown are NOT one and the same. And no, under the current system, the PM can't just declare something a law. This is the point I'm trying to make. As things currently stand, it is not an easy fix. I'm not at all saying that things shouldn't change. Coming up with a solution would be

No one is saying it can’t be done. However, it will be a huge headache to do it properly. The royal family is not the actual problem here, it’s our legislative system and how Parliament works. I’m no monarchist, but I recognize that it isn’t a matter of just switching out the art on the money.

It’s not symbolic in the way you're thinking. The way laws are made in this country, they require royal assent. Sure, no GG is going to refuse to give it, but the PM can't just declare something a law. We need someone/thing to replace that system. All government is symbolic when you get right down to it. The royal

precisely, and if we remove that then it sort of puts into question the legitimacy of any of our legislation. It actually would leave everything on very shaky grounds. 

Not only that, but our whole legislative framework set up around the governor general in council and the granting of royal assent. It's "symbolic", sure, but still needs a legal replacement for how laws are enacted.

Our whole legislative system would be affected: hard to have Royal Assent without a royal. I'm sure it could be done, but not easily.

crown lands(highways, lands, forests, title claims etc), and a lot of legal instruments in property are derived from royal prerogatives. it would be very complicated to create a whole new system of operations, and a huge burden expecting each province to adapt to the changes.

we did a whole thing in law school how us commonwealth countries would have so much restructuring to do if we ever tried to denounce the monarch as the basis for where our legal powers are derived. and what a slippery slope that could be (Canada). So the figure head argument never quite makes sense, it’s not as simple

No matter what else you think about her or what awful things she’s done, the rumor about her nonexistent illiteracy *is* sexist and doesn't make sense and isn't funny, and I don't know why Jezebel is obsessed with repeating it, but it's old. 

Sure, but in this instance it’s an out of context partial quote from an out of context conversation. He is explicitly talking about latent genetic markers for disease that are likely to resurface on incestuous relationships. It’s not like there aren’t legitimate reasons for criticism without having to misconstrue an

I mean... no, he explicitly explains the go-to medical example of hemophilia (hey there, European aristocracy) immediately afterwards. “Do not breed exclusively within your family group” is, weird as it is to say, the exact opposite of what you’re describing.

So let’s break down your bs.

If you get your knickers in a twist about people calling out racism when they see it, yeah you’re probably racist.