

A basic Google search puts Kylie’s age at around 25. Keep grasping at straws, dweeb. 

Incels definitely feel entitled to sex. The first time I ever heard the term was from a self-identified incel who expressly said that sex is a right that is being denied to him - hence involuntarily celibate. If you think you are rightfully owed something, by definition you feel you are entitled to it. This individual

“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful

If that’s what you’re getting out of that essay, you have completely misread it and didn’t pay attention to the essay that followed it.

LOL. I’m here in the greys with a bunch of incel defenders.

You liked the character when they were white but you don’t now they are black. I’m sure your intentions are good but one can see why people think that sounds racist.

I’m sorry you feel uncomfortable for folks interrogating feelings you’ve not been asked to interrogate before, and for your misunderstanding of what racism actually is, leading to your being blindsided by it.

But my pity for you does not make me think you are correct, nor should your own self-pity lead you to the same

There’s a lot of context needed for this.

Yeah, they’re being really bizarre about it. Like, sure Sudeikis can make requests, but the process server has no obligation to honor those. They will probably try, but ultimately they have a job to do. I mean, I can ask that a mammogram not be uncomfortable, but despite the tech’s best efforts it might well be.

look, process servers go where they can get to someone. The client doesn’t dictate when and where they serve the summons. She’s being really silly. This is nothing at all like the pirate.

And whenever you pass a woman you tip your fedora to them.

Your notifications deserve to be set on fire for the idea that “Jordan Peterson can tell you how to be a good man.” He’s a bigoted, misogynistic hack. (

Yeah, she’s not completely wrong, kids like small age-appropriate chores and feeling like they’re accomplishing something. Kids are still kids and like to play though.

The fuck is up with that title? The article is supportive at least but seriously... the fuck is with that borderline sarcastic tone and condescending tagline:

Looking for the sentence where anything in China other than its government is criticized here. It’s not there, unless you take the word “China” to mean “the people of China” and not “the government of China”, which would require a galactically bad faith reading.

I agree 100%. I was actually excited for Soul, but it felt like an incredibly underdeveloped sketch of a movie that they forgot to go back and add anything nuanced or distinctive or memorable to past the high concept. It’s maybe not as objectively bad as the Cars franchise, but it was definitely the biggest letdown.

Inside Out not in the top ten?  Can't abide that I'm afraid. 

The space monsters aren’t from the future (relative to the Comanche, unless all the “maybe there’s time travel” stuff from the piece about the series earlier this week actually means something), they’re just fictional. A story where the Comanche fight European witches would also be not a thing that ever historically

I came here to say something similar. I think the writer thought that “anachronistic” means “set in another time period”, which is not what it means.