
The least we could do is let the guy see some pussy one last time before he dies.

As much as I agree with the first post from The Dream, he might want to pull this one back:

“The least we could do is let the guy see some pussy one last time before he dies.”

You’re exactly right. They are different products entirely. As a basketball fan, I much prefer the WNBA to the NBA. I’m a minority in that preference, which is why Griner is paid less than her NBA counterparts. That she’s paid less here is irrelevant to whether or not she plays in Russia. She doesn’t *have* to play

Kelis made a gay dance album in 2010, just saying...

Oh man, this feels so fraught. I can totally appreciate the efforts to destigmatize and to also block the (classic) GOP projections about pedophilia. At the same time, if the cases we’re looking at are by a vast majority gay men, and we recognize that those gay men are human beings who are hugging and in contact with

I’m only here to say if you haven’t seen Akeelah and the Bee, you really goddamn should

I kept waiting to hear what the “bizarre baggage” was on the honeymoon’s their kids? How is that bizarre? A lot of people enjoy spending time with their families, particularly their children. This is a couple who can (and does) go on vacay wherever they want, whenever they want. The honeymoon isn’t some once-i

If the audience needs to pretend it’s not Persuasion to enjoy the movie, then the filmmakers failed in adapting Persuasion as a movie: that’s the job they set out to do, so that’s what the critics are judging them on.

I’m sorry, I can’t stand her either... but nothing about these allegations really stands up. Have a look at the text messages they are based on, they’re just a conversation with an unknow source who makes a series of allegations with no evidence, except some photos that have since turned out to be of someone else.

They’re a troll.

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

If you’re so invested in fetishizing a dress and hating a celebrity that you’re okay making this comment, maybe step back.

the government is choosing to spend people’s money on something they might not necessarily want or ever use

While you can point at climate change and such, this is still the taxpayer’s money and the taxpayers should have some say in how it is used.”


Now playing

Right.... Do they do any research before they write this stuff!

You know, you can just say “okay, I acknowledge that fights over the definition of political philosophies is a pointless sideshow that distracts from real issues. I’m going to stop demanding everyone use my definition of inherently-vague political terms and hijacking the discussion.”

If there’s a silver lining here, Saakashvili left office in 2013 and is anti-Russian (remember, Russian troops are still in a few regions of Georgia that Russia considers to be independent states).

I’m not sure you follow track. Also, she tied for 2nd with 10.92.