
I’m sorry...did you guys watch the race?? Elaine was in danger of losing that race. Kudos to Sha’Carri for her perseverance and her comeback but no need to completely diss Elaine just because she is a Jamaican Runner and not American

If we’re going to balk every time we have the opportunity to make any changes because we might lose political control, what do we need political control for? We obviously aren’t doing anything with it. 

Yeah, no. The US would not be invading Russia and risking a global nuclear war even for LeBron. There’d be way more coverage, for sure, but it wouldn’t change the situation.

Imagine defending Ricky Gervais by declaring him not smug. LOL.

This is the heart of the astonishment at the faux outrage of the Left, and I have to commend you for stating it so succinctly. I couldn't put my finger on why it was irritating, and I feel it towards the Democratic politicians as of late, and so thank you. 

I have mixed feelings about cases such as these, because she *should* have “known better” than to bring these cartridges. Russia is not soft on drugs, and given that she had played there in the past she knew the laws. This isn’t America where we’re *RELATIVELY* soft on drug crimes; we can compare our laws to other

Wait so you’re just not gonna mention that the diapers were made to draw attention to how absurdly overpriced actual diapers are that people buy for their babies?

That’s all in your head. Nobody is going to take away your license to be center left.

But if people say bad things about crypto, they can’t get more people into their pyramid scheme. And we all want to help these assholes get rich for doing nothing, right?

It’s not even that clear anymore thanks to the mess that is post-colonial citizenship laws and that the word “subject” fell out of favour decades ago because of those imperial connotations.

Seriously. He. Did. Not. Write. This.

Plus “levelling up” is actually a post in the PM’s cabinet. There is a Secretary of State of Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities which is the department he or she (it’s Gove - a dude RN) is in charge of the “levelling up ministry” as it is called.

An American who used to

Right, let’s start.

I mean, I’d defend them too if they paid me millions of dollars.

Feel free to make up whatever boogeyman you want

“Only Elisabeth can speak to her personal story.””

Kinda seems like no, she cannot.

Right, this one takes care of the smart ones, but that leaves a lot of dumb witches to deal with🙄

Right, this one takes care of the smart ones, but that leaves a lot of dumb witches to deal with🙄

Nah, you use the Dehyrdate function for witches that drown, and Toast for the ones that float.

Nah, you use the Dehyrdate function for witches that drown, and Toast for the ones that float.

I’m seeing a ton of comments on Twitter about how “everybody watched her give that speech in labor and clapped, but nobody asked to postpone the convention. Shows you what they really think.” But *she* also didn’t ask to postpone it! I feel like it would have been really bad optics for someone else to be like “I know

Thank you so much for forming an opinion on something you’ve never watched and taking the time out of your busy day to share it with all of us.

I did “like fucking read it”, and I also happen to have been an attorney working in law firms for a very long time (including for several years at Ballard Spahr), and this article is just gibberish from someone that has no clue how law firms actually operate on a national scale. The author doesn’t even bother to