
Stop the presses! We’ve got a major blog article here!

Yeah, but he’s a Republican so fuck him.

That’s false reporting and you should get banned for it.

Plus he’s reporting someone who he didn’t like playing with in a past game just for being matched with him. It’s fucking disgusting that anyone would think that punishment for false reports would be a bad thing.

Yes. The report system is abused a lot to get innocent people banned and punished in other ways because they don’t punish false reports. This is actually the first time that someone abusing the system has been banned that I’ve seen.

Because being openly gay means you won’t get many votes. Closeted is the only way to safely have a political career for most people. And hate is the most popular thing in America.

Many people look good bald.

Paid mods made me throw up. Yet here is Kotaku promoting games from that shit corporation that is pushing them.

Obviously it should be just like it was in Vanilla with no changes. No match making battlegrounds or dungeons either. And Alterac Valley battleground should be like it was with the contentious matches that last weeks before that was ruined.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Well that’s what microtransactions do, they exploit children and the mentally ill. It’s not their fault their minds aren’t developed properly, it’s the corporations fault for taking advantage of them with scams. So don’t be mad at the victims and blame them, be mad at the corporations, and at the blogs that push


Blogging isn’t journalism. lol

The music was shit in XV though.

So remove them for the high sales window and add them back once sales die down. Seen this before with Bethesda and paid mods, MMO’s, and other games.

Would rather pay for DLC. It’s cheaper and forces them to make quality high quantity content. With microtransactions they can just scam everyone and mage a much bigger profit than before with hardly any work to earn it.

Balmung is truly the best server.

So saying curse words in public isn’t against the law? I got arrested for disturbing the peace and had to do 15 days in juvy because a teacher lied and said I said “fuck you” to her. That shit led me to self destructing and getting sent to juvy a lot because it was unfair.


Their hair smells bad and is greasy. The grease and smell gets on your hand and sticks. Why would anyone touch that?