
I choose two! Gay dads!

It’s sad if you’re okay with any form of exploitation.

Except it forces you to buy loot boxes if you want all the event items. They’re only available for 19 days out of a year, and you can’t attempt to get them again until the next year. So you can’t get all the event items every event unless you either quit your responsibilities (job,school, family, friends, whatever)

Ugh, I wish Kotaku knew what an MMO is.

Stealing from a corporation makes you a piece of shit? lol No.

I bet you’re just being negative about that comic because you see others being negative about it all the time and think you can get some praise. Wrong. It’s sad that you have no spine or character. What they are saying there is truth, and good on them for saying it publicly, because we all know Kotaku wouldn’t because

This is so sad...

Tyler Perry is a well known homophobe, censorship supporter, and piece of shit, but drag itself isn’t transphobic or misogynistic.

Step up your game Onion.

You poor baby, you don’t know what stealing is and are making false equivalencies. You are stupid enough to think that stealing a bear is the same as piracy. It’s not theft, you’re just very very stupid and don’t understand the subject you’re trying to talk about with your betters.

You poor baby, you don’t know what stealing is and are making false equivalencies.

You missed everything here because you don’t know what you’re talking about. lol

WRONG. How about you don’t talk about things you don’t understand and making up lies. It’s fucking sad.

Just stop, corpo worshiper. You don’t know anything. Take the hint already, you fool.

Both are made up to oppress, so it doesn’t matter.

Hate to be the one to have to correct your ignorance, but YOU’RE WRONG. You seriously shouldn’t talk about things you don’t understand or know anything about.

“Danjal87 Taliesin_Merlin

“Danjal87 Taliesin_Merlin

Pretty ignorant comment you have there. You are no doubt new to gaming or very dumb. Game reviews are not reliable, and YouTubers are even less reliable. Plenty of horrible games get good reviews because of hype, a sites loyalty to a corporation, a sites fear of a corporation, sites trying to build relations with a

Yeah, Actividion-Blizzard, Bethesda/Zeni, and EA are just trying to stay in business. That’s what their billions in profits are for, just them scraping by. They are destroy gaming with their actions, but it’s okay because you worship corporations and think they need all the money in the world to stay in business and