
Japan’s suicides aren’t just mental illness. They think death is a restart because they believe in reincarnation. So it’s like ending their current life so they can restart fresh. Like playing a roguelike game “well I fucked up this playthrough, I better restart fresh.”.

Wrong as usual, Kirk. Don’t you ever get tired of posting nonsense?

Fad. Get over it, it’s 2018.

Different culture, dumb-dumbs. Not the same as American blackface because of America’s history. Fake news is fake news.

That’s not Boudicca.

Don’t kill yourself.

The Outfit. Fucking love that game. It’s a tragedy that it is an Xbox 360 exclusive. It really needs to be ported over to PC, I’d still be playing it if it was. It’s so fun, and I have such great memories of playing multiplayer with my friends and either surrounding their base with turrets or them doing the same to

Can’t get a good SW game as long as EA has the rights. You’re a blog writer and have tens of readers, make it known to Disney that EA is horrible and no one wants them having the IP. Or even organize opposition. Use your power to help gaming instead of ruining gaming as usual.

LiA is the best comic every week, so how can that be surprising? lmao

Lets hope not. All I ever see is people complaining that the jokes aren’t lowest common denominator enough for them to get and that they have literacy problems and can’t follow the panels.

Such a tragedy and waste that Sakaguchi who made Final Fantasy and some incredible RPG’s under Mistwalker is now making nothing but phone scam “games”. The man used to make masterpieces and all he is doing now is trying to keep his development studio afloat while he wastes away. I loved TLS so much.


We’ve got a corporation worshiper here!


That’s called playing make believe.

Can’t be worse than the most recent one.

No. It’s a Bethesda game so boycott.

So you’re contributing to the destruction of gaming with microtransactions?

Wonder how much of this blog post is true.

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