
Japan’s suicides aren’t just mental illness. They think death is a restart because they believe in reincarnation. So it’s like ending their current life so they can restart fresh. Like playing a roguelike game “well I fucked up this playthrough, I better restart fresh.”.

They don’t care. They are getting paid by Disney to get you in seats.

Yoda was the only good part of that movie.

It’s Star Wars with a lot of paid off blogs and Disney marketing behind it, and it was made with the lowest common denominator as their target audience. At least learn how all this works before saying something stupid and ignorant at me.

Wrong as usual, Kirk. Don’t you ever get tired of posting nonsense?

You really shouldn’t be saying what’s good or bad. You read this site.

Except they often do have ulterior motives. Getting paid off, like with the horrible new Star Wars movie that everyone hates but bad media blogs are trying to spin that hating it is wrong because no actual reason other than Disney payoffs. Pushing an agenda, which is incredibly common for bad stuff getting good

Fad. Get over it, it’s 2018.

Different culture, dumb-dumbs. Not the same as American blackface because of America’s history. Fake news is fake news.

It’s true, there is a button on his desk.

I recently went to target and it is a run down shithole. Target is the new K-Mart.

That’s not Boudicca.

Too busy being king of space.

Jeez that guy has been on YouTube a long time. I remember watching a few WoW videos of his in the Vanilla WoW or BC days.

Don’t kill yourself.

The Outfit. Fucking love that game. It’s a tragedy that it is an Xbox 360 exclusive. It really needs to be ported over to PC, I’d still be playing it if it was. It’s so fun, and I have such great memories of playing multiplayer with my friends and either surrounding their base with turrets or them doing the same to

You’ve never seen Clone Wars and Rebels then.

Wrong as usual. The criticism has been that the movie is poorly written, boring, and just all around awful. It was even worse than the prequels. Sounds like you are unable to think for yourself and just are repeating the PR for the awful movie that Disney paid sites like this Gawker abomination to do.

They had it coming.

Can’t get a good SW game as long as EA has the rights. You’re a blog writer and have tens of readers, make it known to Disney that EA is horrible and no one wants them having the IP. Or even organize opposition. Use your power to help gaming instead of ruining gaming as usual.