
It wasn’t an issue to begin with. Don’t go to the ERP area and no one will bother you to ERP. lol

Exactly. Don’t go to the red light district of Moon Guard unless you’re looking for ERP. That’s their space.

I have played on Moon Guard since Blizz ruined WPVP in Cata and made me switch from Venture Co, and this is fake news. Everyone knows about Goldshire Inn, not just on the server but off the server too because a lot of those folks come from other servers, it’s our red light district, and everyone that doesn’t want to

Well they’re staying at the place they’re at now for a long time. Until after the 2 year time jump where zombies and not just humans become the main focus again, because a group of humans weaponized the zombies. I’m not up to date on the comic, but at the start of that arc they still had their home.

Fuck that Ninja Turtle looking bigot.

And Dave Chappelle!

So why aren’t we boycotting Burger King for this?

Sad that you want a scam system in your games where others have to pay for your content. You really have no idea how bad that is, little socialist.

Kotaku writers will twist themselves into a knot defending Blizzards bullshit. Beware.

Still not a Battlefront game though.

A TV show about bloggers outside their house with their pants on? Is this a reimagining of Blast From the Past in the modern age?

Only $69.95!

Sadly all the other greedy bullshit is still in the game so I’m not buying it. Took it off my list.

Why do they need charity?

Microtransaction scams are bad. It’s not hard to understand.

“The actual system isn’t being implemented until the game is out of early access.”

Guess he better get good then, huh?