
Think Battle Royale got its idea from a jynsin box or whatever it’s called. They put a bunch of poisonous creatures into a small container and they fight to the death to make a powerful poison.

Better than the one that’s run by that power abusing unprofessional kid. Needs vehicles though.

Most phone apps are trash though...

He can sue for slander if they’re lying. His reputation is being damaged.

Like AV Club.

That poor puppy. :(

Chris & Dale Rescue Rangers!

Not just white people.

Not just white people.

He never existed. We’re alone, our existence is meaningless, and we’ll eventually go extinct. Everything we build will crumble into dust, and that dust will burn away when the sun eats our solar system, and then it will be like we never existed. Like the universe aborted us.

Put in more effort!

Isn’t he a pop singer? What does that have to do with black culture?

Read The Root, their hatred for their allies is disgusting and racist. They are also homophobes and sexists on top of racist. No one should give any attention to these extremists. If anyone wants to support something then support one of the good groups that aren’t just an outraged and crazed mob.

Even the lowest common denominator needs coverage of the minstrel shows they “enjoy”. Thanks IGN!

You only work at Kotaku to be a corporate shill, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised.

If they would bother communicating and listening then it wouldn’t be so toxic. The fault is entirely on them.

That’s pretty much me in Halo 2 BTB CTF and bombing matches. Still drove anyways.

That’s silly. This isn’t a game for gamers. This is a game for the poser crowd that has been strangling the life out of gaming for a while now. The type of people that don’t know what an MMO is, or know that that genre is dead, and hang out on social media.

Hey, don’t throw those of us with weird gay S&M fetishes in with that crowd.

The Jetsons was a lie.