
You know there’s a rating at the beginning of each episode, right? If you can’t handle adult themes without crying then go somewhere else. I want my dark adult shows that make me feel like crap, so go watch some Disney cartoons instead or whatever.

Yeah, pretty sure I mentioned homophobes. If you want to take away what little gays have then you’re a homophobe, and it’s pretty hateful to want to shit on a story a gay man that was imprisoned, tortured, and eventually died for being gay wrote.

Ugh, PC Gamer. An alt-Right/GG community, terrible writers that can’t be relied on for truth, and corporate bought propaganda articles. I don’t believe anything coming from them.

When is the AV Club funeral article? The fans should at least get to pay their final respects. You’ve already been desecrating the corpse by Weekend at Bernies’ing it.

Don’t forget the homophobia and transphobia!

Most political correctness is ridiculous because it’s so one sided and idiotic. Head over to the Root or Jezebel and read through the articles and comments for a week. So much hatred, ignorance, supremacy, and bigotry at those places, and they think it’s okay to act like that because of their special PC protected

Not many games I need for Autumn. :(

Hate that dweeb so much. He’s such an ignorant, unprofessional, loudmouth that abuses his power in the game. So glad his time in the spotlight is almost up and he’ll go away like Notch, the creator of that mod zombie game that was made into a stand alone game then abandoned in early access, Phish, and the others that

Not surprised at the amount of intolerance and bigotry here.

Sadly I can’t put poison down without it turning into more fire. Poor Fane dies a lot in my game. lol

Okay this explains what I heard earlier.

Time to start the porn mods! Give that crossdressing Link outfit a good workout!

Yes, defending corporations makes you a shill. lol

Religion makes people evil.

Yeah, but Apple devices don’t get viruses.

Ugh, more fire. There’s so much fire in this game that I’m starting to have dreams where everything is on fire.

With MGS art and EVE font! Don’t forget those!

All this is already said to white poor people. You must have grew up in a rich suburb or some shit because you thinking poor white people aren’t treated like shit by the rich is pretty damn ignorant.

Now playing

Wrong. Life is too short and nothing matters because everything will eventually be forgotten, everything we’ve built will eventually be replaced then turn to dust, etc, etc, humans will go extinct, the sun will eat our planet, and the universe will eventually destroy itself erasing everything else. Nothing we do will

Hope it’s not some CSI type show.