
The Steam mods also remove bad reviews from games they are fans of, so beware of that too.

This time try not to abuse your power over weak minded people to start another for profit media crusade, Kotaku.

pEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE ONES THAT KILLED MMO GAMING. Now you’re like maggots crawling over the corpse.

No one with sense.

I was normally nice to people in game until they removed CTF. Now it’s my goal to ruin the game and get as many people to quit as I can.

Nice. Hope they add new original content to it too.

But Kinja is still Kinja, so no matter how much they work to improve it it will still be a broken mess and the community will continue to suffer from the class system they force on the comment section. They need to quit wasting time and money on improvements and just get a less broken system.

Still mad no one showed up to your march, huh?

So much irony.

Well it’s too late now. Pepe is now as much a Nazi symbol as the once Buddhist Swastika is in the west.

The only people on the left that use cuck are alt-right folks acting like they’re lefties.

They got the definition of Troll wrong... Criticism isn’t trolling, nor is mocking...

Seems Sony has gotten arrogant again and will be losing the next console generation to Microsoft.

Your good @ werds.

If by takes responsibility you mean blame everyone else then yeah. (Not everyone reads trash by horrible people)

Fucking GamerGate at it again. Ethics aren’t a real thing! Just leave this woman alone, misogynists!

Yeah, you have to be a gamer to get a lot of gaming jokes. Who would have thought?

Yep, that bigoted corporation is choking the life out of gaming. They killed the entire MMO genre.

4skin Tim wasn’t a joke, he was just a Juggalo.

Just off camera to the right Trump is giving a speech.