

Further proof that I’m living in Idiocracy. That movie really needs a remake set in 2017.

Nazi’s lost to America. Fuck off, racist.

Kotaku will be contacting him for an interview shortly.

Damn, so many people that were in this new season of Twin Peaks have died. Must have been cursed.

Just as I expected, Blizzard supports Russia, Trump, and their views. Not surprised a racist, homophobic, and sexist corporation like that would put more Russian garbage into their games instead of boycotting them and their villainous culture.

You really haven’t a clue, huh?

You should circlejerk him more. That’s not going to correct the kids ignorance.

If you’ve been gaming for longer than a year then you should know launch numbers drop.

They haven’t made a good game since Halo 2 and ODST. TellTale would be a much better choice. FarScape would be nice too.

Why? World is a dark twisted place full of people looking to prey on you. If you don’t protect yourself, family, and belongings then who will? Personally I don’t like guns and prefer knives, so I keep some hidden about my house just in case, but having a gun is almost mandatory for weaker people. Even my 80 year old

Want to live in an ignorant bubble where people only tell you what you want to hear no matter how wrong you are? That’s what Jezebel is for, head over there.

You need to up your excuse game if you’re going to attempt to defend her from her well deserved blame of getting Trump elected.

“It’s kind of a shame, because on paper, Fallout 4's Creation Club, with modders/devs getting professional-level backing from Bethesda, could be really cool.”

Hanzo, Widow, and Ana can usually take that turret out on Hollywood from the chokepoint. It’s the reason I hate putting it there after the first few minutes of the game, because it gets destroyed really fast.

Actually, you’re the idiot here. I have no idea how anyone could post comments like yours seriously. I was trying to be nice and educate you instead of being a dick like a lot of other people, because your comments make you sound like you have a mental disability.

If you’re not having fun then this isn’t the game for you. I enjoy it a lot, as do the people that play, which is why we play it.

Do you not know how to play this game? lol The whole game was designed to revolve around countering characters with other characters. Just Google for a guide to countering until you get enough experience with each character in the game to know what to do. Torb is super easy to counter.

A lot of characters counter Torb and his turret. And if you can’t figure out what to do to counter characters then play as those characters and see what people do to counter you. If both a Widow and a Torb is giving you trouble then go Winston, or if you’re a good shot go Hanzo, or go Junkrat and toss balls around, or

There was probably more, but Kinja most likely ate it.