
How does a Dalek make a quiche?

Ford Prefect, because he's so froody. Also, although the movie wasn't perfect, I'll always picture him as Mos Def.

The Doctor would take you on more adventures, but Ford would take you to more parties.

This list is the best for including the Ur-Quan (although I have to say I prefer the Zoq-Fot-Pik, because Frungy rules)

I still get a kick out of Zaphod’s extra head on the TV series, though. Mainly in how terrible it looks combined with the story about how it nearly bankrupted the production to make.

In the middle of a Deep Space Nine re-watch with my family, so my current faves are these guys:

Thing is, you’re not supposed to like Zaphod. He’s supposed to be an obnoxious jerk, and him being Galactic President is another in a long line of jokes at the expense of Life, the Universe and Everything being one big joke.

But Ford? Yeah, Ford’s the best. On the list of people I’d want to travel the universe with,

100% agree!

Practically anyone from B5 is an excellent choice.

The hilariously queer Roger Smith” was what I was about to post. 

Nobody in the explored universe can steal a scene quite like the Little Worm Guys from “Men in Black.”

There’s too long a list for a variety of reasons to simply name a single favorite. But here’s a few examples of aliens I enjoy.

No love for Bowie?

“Willie, why are there weeds in the salad?”

Lots of great choices already mentioned. I haven’t seen Strange Planet yet, though, and I think that it deserves a nomination.

My first thought was these guys.

Roger Smith, and it’s not even close.