
See, he really does have a black friend!

Dude’s talking as if public forgiveness is a switch that someone somewhere just needs to flick. The public will forgive people if they feel like they deserve to be forgiven. And that’s a piece of piss for a celebrity, just throw a bunch of cash at some PR douchebags and they’ll plant stories and organise benefits and

Thank you for this unexpected piece for us film nerds. I almost expected to see Ignatiy Vishnevetsky’s name again on the byline (where is that guy these days, anyway? Miss his writing)

“...but we’ve yet to see its best.”

Best episode in a long time.

I thought it was a sequel at first to the midwife sketch where Bowen played another long-haired weirdo medical professional, which I also enjoyed. It was funny how Ryan Gosling was forcing Bowen to eat all those cookie crumbles while refusing to take a bite himself, I wonder if that was intentional or not.

Solid episode. Not sure I’d go so high as a solid A, but it was definitely a good one. Most of the sketches were actually good and the bits of breaking just added to the fun. And it was definitely a genius move to (apparently) not let Heidi Gardner see Beavis and Butthead until the live sketch, because good lord did

Maybe your very high-IQ dismissal would be a little more persuasive if we didn’t live in a world were there are literally multibillion franchises in all media dedicated to the message “war is cool”.

I was hoping for a Lawrence Welk show sketch. They had all the right cast members.

I like how Gizmodo still has “You Might Like” links to AVC articles.

They’d have been better off just calling that team


Spongebob these days is basically The Simpsons for kids. In its early years, it has genuinely some of the funniest episodes in the medium, but now has kept going long past those halcyon days, and will last forever. It even has a bunch of older fans who never stop talking about how the new ones are trash, just like The

I wish I lived in the universe where Rocko’s Modern Life got this treatment instead.

Quoting from National Geographic:

First three seasons of the show are legitimately great cartoons. They have a looney tunes energy but also know when to be restrained and make a quieter joke

Well, you can’t cancel Spongebob. The entire global meme economy would collapse.

I can’t believe how good his Ford impression is, and that it’s only now after 40-odd years that it’s out in public. 

My favourite story was when Michelle Philips, of The Mamas & The Papas, first saw Star Wars her reaction to Han was “That’s my pot dealer! I didn’t even know he was an actor!”

Exactly. The Oscars were conceived as and remain at heart a promotional device for the film business. Dramas and epics need them. Horrors do not - horrors make their money back more reliably and the audience is not motivated to go see them in the least due to ‘awards’. (For the most part they’ve established their