
Rev. Al Sharpton, told Politico that he and others have begun talks to hold town halls and rallies in the home states of Senators Manchin and Sinema

Biden is right

My best friends older brother was always scaring us when we had sleepovers in the mid-70's by bursting in and yelling “BARNABUS IS GONNA GET YOU” and then running off.  We were like 8 YO and terrified.  

Nothing like dark spells, possession and sets catching on fire to bring a family together.

Stars for “we took it after we changed you into a werewolf and no backsies” and “there’s no betrayal here.”

*rubs hands together*

Pluto TV (the app) has a channel dedicated to a 24/7 stream of Dark Shadows.

Now playing

Your comment about her voice work reminded me of this.  

Honestly, I just saw Angelique ask Satan for help curing the various Collins family members of their curses--Satan worship on afternoon TV!

When I was in 1st grade, my friend’s 6th grade sister was told to watch us, and so she had us watch Dark Shadows with her. We thought we were pretty cool, so we kept watching it. The only problem was that I was a very imaginitive child who didn’t understand that not everything on tv was real (aside from cartoons, I

Best endorsement of a show ever.  Hitting the interwebs  to find this show after work.

Me too! I used to watch Dark Shadows it’s the batshit (pardon the pun) crazy show we need more than ever!

You should listen to the clip, because she wasn’t even really asked a question. The interviewer started to bring up some story Stone had in her book about Woody Allen, and Stone, launched into a lengthy, laudatory monologue praising Woody Allen and discussing how fantastic her experiences were with him. There was no

One of the most insane things about “Dark Shadows” is that it aired in the afternoon, every day, like other soap operas, but it was the late 1960s so “Dark Shadows” seemed like perfectly normal daily daytime programming. I mean, not really, the network knew what it had on its hands, but still. My mother was absolutely

Sharon Stone wasn’t making that observation. She was describing her benign experiences with Woody Allen, in the context serious abuse allegations against Allen, even though the former is completely and wholly irrelevant to the latter.  Expressing that Allen didn’t abuse her is completely irrelevant to Dylan’s

Poor sad turtle has no one to play with...

You ain’t kidding.

The President is busy, why would he talk to someone with zero (0) actual power?  I’m sure Biden picks up the phone when Susan Collins, Joe Manchin, or Lisa Murkowski call....

McConnell’s Nanny: Turtle, did you ever consider calling Uncle Joe and see if there is anything you could do to help break down this barrier?

Bet Ted Cruz would love to have you come over for soup and to show you his fingernail collection.