“Now, sir, you just need to go take a flying leap over the moon.”
“Now, sir, you just need to go take a flying leap over the moon.”
Let’s be clear, The Root is a bunch of people. Tonja Renée Stidhum’s name is on the by-line here. She should probably clarify the matter.
Hell, the guy he shot apologized to Dick!
Adults are trying to have a conversation here, sweetie. Here is some bubble gum. Go run along now to the kiddie table over at Faux News or OAN or Stormfront or wherever you came from. You won’t understand the big words anyway.
He held a damn rally the day of the Capitol insurrection and worked the crowd up into a musty lather, claiming that the election was stolen from him and got the band of idiots that gathered on that day to believe they could overthrow the government, and they tried it. Boy, did they try it. White folks stormed the…
Senator WHITEhouse belongs to a whites-only club? It doesn’t get more tone-deaf than that, does it?
I have not watched that, but I did watch AHS Cult, which for my money, is the most accurate portrayal of the Trump/Q/GOP cult mindset - granted, metaphorically. Smart people, dumb people, and everyone in between join cults because they speak to a fear or a hole in their life. The increasing wealth gap has left people…
On more than one occasion he lost his shit because the GOP was taking “his” money by asking his followers for donations.
This song has been a daily part of my mental playlist for 20 years now. It is evergreen it is that brilliant.
$100 a ticket. he is gonna keep bleeding these dumb fucks until they are dry. The audience are the same idiots who are against the “unfairness” of the inheritance tax (ooooh, scary death tax) on people earning more than 400k a year. Of course the GOP wants them to vote and prevent others from voting - they love stupid…
Give it the place of honor it deserves - lying sideways in a long trench under a row of portable toilets.
*Evil Morty
Season 3 is, so far, the best imho.
The pairing of “Rick Potion No. 9" and “Interdimensional Cable” is basically the emotional heart of the show. No matter how much the characters claim nothing matters, they know it is not true.
- One of the opening sequence quasi-teases appears to be just Morty sinking a putt with no other shenanigans. How many Meeseeks did that take?
I agree. Bad-ass Summer in Rickmancing the Stone was awesome.
I saw Jim Gaffigan’s name at the end and honestly had to look up which character he played. Pretty sure he could have carried off Nimbus, though he was, indeed, the more expected Hoovy. And Jessica doesn’t track? I disagree. That bit at the end seemed aimed at every critic who, like yourself, complains that she never…
OK, let’s get this straight. You get a pass because of your age, but David Lee Roth was a fucking mess. Yes, he was fun to watch jumping around in videos, and the albums were better than Van Hagar. BUT, when it came to concerts, Roth was completely unprofessional. Coked up and drunk, he never remembered lyrics,…
It’s really Asterix. Or Beetle Bailey behind it all. Yeah, Beetle Bailey and Dagwood. Final answer.
Andrew flew a few photo ops against that terror, the Argentinian Navy. Never had a bullet fired in his direction. Philip still was far back from the combat, safe on a ship. Harry is the only one who served in a forward position facing constant gunfire from an enemy and seeing his own men perish. Normally I am not a…