
That went exactly like I thought it would. But at least your write uo was entertaining, as opposed to actually having to go there myself. Thank you for your sacrifice, Tom.

It’s the same fucking bullshit heard all the time by these clowns - “So what, I can’t tell a woman she looks nice anymore or I will be sued?” No, morons. Stop being a sexist jerk. Stop making lewd comments to women. Stop with the sexual “suggestiveness” that is not funny, not professional, and not welcome. Just apply

...with a “K.”

This has been a story for awhile. This particular BLM group has been protesting outside of Lacy’s home on a daily basis, and if you look at the front of it, this is not a gated estate, but just a suburban home with a door close to the sidewalk. I honestly think the regular protests (they might be daily or weekly) just

It is relativity in action. Black folk are given a fair shot and begin to gain financial equality, but white folk don’t see black folk coming up, but think they themselves are going down. This was the most innocuous commercial - lovely even. And people are calling black success racist? No friggin way.

Ah, thank you both.

Flav and Brigitte Nielsen as well. Wow, did that really happen?

It is a low rent area.

Against my better judgement, I watched the video. As always, the written word was far superior to the film.

I look forward to the day when we are talking about overturning the Hyde Amendment and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, as opposed to Roe v Wade.

Villanueva is “deeply disturbed at the thought deputies could allegedly engage in such an insensitive act. Please. His dealings with the LA County Board of Supervisors has been a “protect our own” policy. His first official act was to re-hire a buddy of his who had been dismissed for domestic violence (Villanueva,

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn warning the crowd about the “elite” with “all the power and the money.”

You are assuming demand will remain the same if people do not have to wait. Removing obstacles only increases demand, so changing the rate changes everything.

How about we pave over every Confederate grave, every plantation, and every statue of losers. Not even, but a step in the right direction.

Flav made himself an irrelevant joke years ago. The clock he wore used to mean something. Now it is just Flav’s gimmick. As orange hitler might say, “sad.”

Biles is the stongest gymnast ever - both outside and inside. She also appears to be a natural leader. I look forward to what she does in hr future - after she is done leading the revolt against USAG and USOPC, leaving them both rightfully in ashes.

Right? What a waste of Chloe.

You comment went over my head. What makes these memes “so 2012?”

My only dissapointment with Byrne was not enough robot preacher. None. Nada. I miss the 80s.

Disney is nothing compared to Nickelodeon, allegedly.