
and then?

dbag mortician to grieving husband: brah, no fatties allowed.

it was a homeless man.

maybe they meant touchscreen typing. i loathed my evo in that respect when i first got it, before swype came out. i just got the galaxy nexus, and swype was on there before the day is out.

pshaw, i was doing that before it became cool.

the problem with that, is that people don't know how to keep their mouths shut. even if important details were not given until late in the game. things would leak, and someone would put two and two together.

i think it looks fine on android with the timeline integration, but it takes so long to load pages and searches that a lot of times, i fire up the browser out of frustration.

how long will it be before the lasers think of US as weeds?!?

"...Siri [native Apple dictation] can be used to take dictation for text messages and email."

i seed what you did there.

or milfweed?

they have to account for not getting their money up front, those who will skip out on payments, and collections.

lol@ double comments... did you see what you did there?

i almost feel the same way... except i'm manufacturer/carrier/dev community. I've been modding software and using "dev creations" since dos/qbasic nibbles and gorillas. That's what guides my purchase as much as build quality, specs, and price. For this reason, even though the GSIII looks awesome, I'll be getting the

i don't think an iphone4s purchase would be a waste, but i do think that the comparisons should stop once a couple of phone start beating it. devil's advocate would say maybe it's just a top of the line ios/android comparison, and apple has no other phone to offer up, but i still think that's weak, unless they threw

in smartphone years (for comparison's sake), yes.

half wrong.

I don't see why any new top of the line phone needs to be compared to the iphone at this point. it is too old.

pepsi vs coke probably have a equalish market share. apple (in the tablet space) vs every one else doesn't.