from the internet: A lot of it has to do with the promotional duties of the actors; they can't promote a movie in every country in the world at once, so the movie's rollout may follow their traveling schedule. Also, international rights to a movie's distribution may be held by different companies in different…
i saw five year engagement saturday on a 4k capable screen. whether or not the movie was 4k, i don't know.
i worked for a movie theater for a couple of months, and i got to help the projectionist fix the film a few times. it happened often, tangled film, burned film from getting stuck or loaded wrong.... what we did was use somewhat of a paper cutter like device that you could put the film on so it would not cut the middle…
it was released internationally first.
you spoailed the mooovay!!!
i won't go so far as to say you've been living under a rock (since i'm sure many gizmodians? have not heard of the site, but it has been around for a very long time.) in a nutshell, You're The Man Now, Dog is a site that is somewhat like all of those meme pictures with captions, except that on this site, they are gifs…
that would be cool if some big company that had a Facebook presence got their account terminated due to this.
i think the broad point is, keep your skeletons where they belong. presumably, no one is going to find out that ty does what he does because he is not going to broadcast that info in a manner that prospective employers will find. what you are doing is not kosher, but the adage is, victims, in some cases, don't deserve…
the clamp was placed above, not on the testicles.
i'm so happy, i could skeet*
like someone said above, you can get that service from many banks without using craigslist. the cameras and the guards will be of no help, though.
the only problem is that it is of the surprise variety (they only mention some promotion in the ad to lure you in.)
I was thinking, "cool story bro" when I started reading, but I lol'd at the end.
at first i was like >:O
even though it is not perfect, i use enhanced email, which allows me to automaticly cc every time i send a message so i don't forget about the emails i sent outside of work on my work account. we don't have exchange, btw.
They should have priced it between 149.99 and 174.99, due to ATT and Sprint's more powerful, equal priced, HTC One X/HE4L offerings.
It's all about 1) promotions, and 2) asking. I don't know about V, bus sprint has a lot of renewal promotions that waive the fee. Buying a new phone over the phone may also waive the fee, since you can ask the CSR to give you an exception due to poor service, or being with them for x years.
lol, you set yourself up
in soviet russia, plants can eat animals?