
What the hell is wrong with you? No wonder this generation is so damn messed up.

Well, it is the gawker network, so there are plenty of dipshits to go around.

Another dipshit liberal that doesnt practice what he preaches? Color me shocked.....

Agreed. We dont want “coasters”.

You afford to move like the rest of us. You go get a uhaul and pack your shit yourself....

The rest of the real world is laughing at you.

Okay racist.

Thats funny. The rest of the population felt ashamed for the past eight years.


You pretty much are an idiot. The pilots first job is to fly the fucking plane, not to reassure passengers. I get you are scared so you are lashing out again. Dont be afraid.

Who said he didnt? He fucking landed the plane successfully with a unstable aircraft...

Got some facts to back up that bullshit?

Says the internet tough guy.... Next your gonna tell me you’ve been in this situation countless times and your an expert pilot... Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit. I get you are afraid and anytime anyone brings up God you lash out. We all see it. Its okay.

Always enjoyable to see atheists feel the need to prove they arent scared shitless when in reality they just cant admit that they truly are.

Oh shit, new record. 2 minutes before someone brought up how water is racist.... fml

Should probably file this under “no shit”. Quality writing by the telemundo staff once again.

Oh shit sick burn bro.... You should write for giz


Whats your excuse?

Oh fuck off with your strawman bullshit. Get a real argument.