
Typical liberal time-travel fantasy.

There’s that good old acceptance of others - keep it up, your echo chamber will get smaller and smaller until all that you have left to hate is yourself.

Unless you’re around a lot of blacks or Hispanics. Then you’re more likely to be killed by them.

What do you say about the fact that the number one source of conversion to Islam in America occurs in prison? They prey on criminals because they are criminals.

Are we still celebrating the cultural enrichment that comes with letting Muslims live alongside civilization?  

None of this is “fair,” so to speak, but it’s the way it is right now”. How do you wish us to accept these miserable affairs? Suck it up?

“I see you’re trying to grovel for food and shelter”

In the age of Liberalism, school children are already screwed. There’s a reason I never went to college. If you want to be turned into an ignorant idiot, I got the perfect place for you... Any Liberal college campus.