
You realize the guy didnt use an assault rifle yes? Oh wait, her dur gun laws stop the bad guys from getting guns.....

Wow that Uni-vision buyout really bought some top tier blogging talent......

You clearly arent.

This is the same guy that called 911 cause he couldnt be arsed to do some basic troubleshooting.

lol imaginary girlfriends too? In a coffee shop even?? What an imagination you have cupcake.

lol mkay? Not sure what else to say huh? Adorable.

Awh someone was triggered. You okay snowflake?

lol. Every adult on the toy figure forums is the running joke....

lol pure class racist.

Actually it does. Fuck off racist.

Yeah so rather than being responsible you just choose to murder your child cause its more convenient for you. You are a horrible person.

And yet nearly 40 percent of all abortions are repeat abortions.....

You mean anti-murder legislators?

But how many babies will this save from the shit bags that abort them.

Step one: Take that douchie hat off....

lol electric mower....

So your family was the white trash of the neighborhood, got it.


Oh look I can google too. Get outta here with this shit. Which snowflake revisionist history book did you pull this out of?

LOL. Correct because you can’t argue with facts. Just naming calling and assumptions.