Dead Island 2
Dead Island 2
Funny I’m the absolute exact opposite with regards to Chosen One stories. I find them a relic of monarchy and theocracy, and the Divine Right of Kings: a fairy tale that justifies the existence of a ruling class, while giving commoners just enough of a “maybe YOU’LL win the lottery too!” morsel of hope to keep the…
I stand corrected
Heat pump dryers transfer heat from the surrounding air and pump it into the dryer, thereby cooling the surrounding air. It’s the same process that works for refrigerators (fridges suck heat from the inside and dump it out into the kitchen, thereby cooling the interior), and air conditioners (they suck heat from the…
My concern about heat pump dryers is they’re great in the summertime when it’s hot... they suck up heat AND humidity from the house, lowering air conditioning costs. But in the winter they’ll be sucking heat out of your conditioned space, which could increase your heating bills.
This shouldn’t be all that controversial of a take, except for the part where he says it out loud.
It might not feel like Star Wars, but it seems like an inevitability in a sci-fi franchise. At some point an external unknowable and far more brutal enemy from outside known space, forces the current enemies to work together.
Yup, 3am EST. I think they realized there was no way to do a timezone-based release pattern with streaming.
Midnight releases for TV shows, timed at midnight PST, never made sense, and was needlessly cruel to the people on the east coast (hell it’s cruel for most folks in the west coast too), especially for mid-week releases.
Lmao I’m getting grays bitching as if this isn’t actually the ONLY possible take that DOESN’T make Musk out to be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
I don’t doubt that Musk had immediate regrets when he made the legally binding 44b offer, and that if he really could have, he would have pulled out (first time for everything!).
I’ve said before, he was given 44 billion (ish, chump change regardless) by the Saudis to squash one of the leading communication networks that helped the Arab Spring, and hobbled what had been (along with all the bad crap) a really useful source of real-time information and communication for many underrepresented…
The vast majority of them don’t have 4 wings that shoot lasers either. How many military aircraft are airworthy after having been submerged in a swamp for a week?
The artificial gravity takes care of the center of mass. It also creates sound in space and faster than light travel. Don’t you know science.
I love the design of the N-1 but I think it really only works as a Naboo ship. It looks pretty and dainty, perfect as part of a royal escort, but not as a true war figher.
That’s exactly what it is. X-Wing minus 1 engine/wing = Viper. Viper minus 1 engine/wing = E-Wing.
I think the A-Wing is a fantastic design but I personally feel like it’s only iconic when placed in context of the other fighters in the fleet. Specifically, I think it’s a great “sequel movie ship” along with the B-Wing: one’s smaller, sleeker, and faster than the X-Wing, the other’s bigger, weirder, and slower.
I love Cam Kennedy’s art on the Dark Empire series (like a grittier version of Joe Johnston’s designs) but the E-Wing design is super boring and symmetrical.
THE MUSIC! With the exception of the Avengers theme which got replayed a lot, it’s the only superhero movie score after Batman 89 that I can actually remember.
I stand corrected!