
This rumor had been going around as far back as the Fox-Disney merger as the idea of rebooting the entire mutant cast with younger actors for their Disney debuts, and also looking for a shorter Wolverine.

The original SAG/WGA contracts regarding streaming considered them “New Media” when they were written up like a decade or so ago, lumping Netflix together with, say, Facebook video and YouTube, and they said nobody really watches this and nobody really makes money off of this, we don’t need to pay you for them, we

Dead Island 2

Oh, this is a story ‘bout a guy named A.I.
And he lived in a sewer with his hamster P.A.I.
But the sanitation workers really didn’t approve
So he packed up his accordion and had to move
To a city in Ohio where he lived in a tree
And he worked in a nasal decongestant factory
And he played on the company bowling team
And every

This just reinforces my frustration that there was no such conversation when Ahsoka and Luke shared scenes together. It’s a hugely momentous occasion, the first time Luke as a Jedi knight/master met another living Jedi, AND it was someone who knew his father very closely before his fall? AND also someone who turned

Smashnerds seems really hung up only on the idea that Ahsoka is calling Sabine her “Padawan” and trying to train her in actual “Jedi” skills, not just Force skills. Which is, I guess... okay, but sooooo pedantic? Like I’m not just gonna go into some Kendo club in a local college and start yelling at people that

To add: Sabine should NOT become a Jedi. She should become a stronger Mandalorian warrior with more situational awareness, blade handling skills, and better cardio.

Yeah Lucas’ big mistake here was his specificity on how the Jedi Order operates and most especially how they go about recruiting and training students.

Among the many crimes committed by spending so much time with Luke in the Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett, was missing the chance for Luke and Ahsoka to REALLY hash out what “resurrecting” the Jedi Order really means... like, Ahsoka left the order partly because she could see how its dogma was actually making the

I’d been ruminating on this since the episode aired and the reconciliation I finally had was this:

There is really only one thing that separates the Deck from other PC gaming handhelds, and that’s SteamOS, and what makes SteamOS so good is Valve’s commitment to the platform and the large community to support it.

Funny I’m the absolute exact opposite with regards to Chosen One stories. I find them a relic of monarchy and theocracy, and the Divine Right of Kings: a fairy tale that justifies the existence of a ruling class, while giving commoners just enough of a “maybe YOU’LL win the lottery too!” morsel of hope to keep the

I stand corrected

Heat pump dryers transfer heat from the surrounding air and pump it into the dryer, thereby cooling the surrounding air. It’s the same process that works for refrigerators (fridges suck heat from the inside and dump it out into the kitchen, thereby cooling the interior), and air conditioners (they suck heat from the

My concern about heat pump dryers is they’re great in the summertime when it’s hot... they suck up heat AND humidity from the house, lowering air conditioning costs. But in the winter they’ll be sucking heat out of your conditioned space, which could increase your heating bills.

This shouldn’t be all that controversial of a take, except for the part where he says it out loud.

It might not feel like Star Wars, but it seems like an inevitability in a sci-fi franchise. At some point an external unknowable and far more brutal enemy from outside known space, forces the current enemies to work together.

Yup, 3am EST. I think they realized there was no way to do a timezone-based release pattern with streaming.

Midnight releases for TV shows, timed at midnight PST, never made sense, and was needlessly cruel to the people on the east coast (hell it’s cruel for most folks in the west coast too), especially for mid-week releases.

Lmao I’m getting grays bitching as if this isn’t actually the ONLY possible take that DOESN’T make Musk out to be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.