
I have been saying that all progressive single white CIS males should just go from purple/red state to state and just carpet bag the hell out of the elections. So much better than doing charity work abroad. I’d donate money to that fund. 

My pick is Sacha Baron Cohen.

It’s the kind of gag that Spielberg can’t help but put into his movies, even ones that don’t need it. Same with the car factory scene, which is almost exactly like the much-maligned droid factory scene in Attack of the Clones. It’s looney-tunes level stuff that takes you out of the scene with how goofy they are

It’s an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick story, which has been its own little cottage industry for action stars and blockbuster directors (starting with Blade Runner, then Total Recall, and so on). Don’t get me wrong, I totally miss that era, but it’s not like it wasn’t some preestablished formula.

These two movies were like the brief period when Spielberg was like, legitimately cool* (and not just great). There’s a fantastic energy to both films, and they feel mature, sexy, and not pandering, but still definitely Spielberg.

I loved Daybreakers. The story wrapped up WAY too neatly in the end, but I really loved the world building and its central conceit. And Ethan Hawke, Sam Neill, AND Willem Defoe! 

As a big fan of Daybreakers AND All You Zombies, I have a vague recollection that I PROBABLY looked forward to seeing this when it was originally announced, but somehow I never saw it and I did not remember this movie at all until now. 

Ooh yes, I forgot Ving Rhames! Good call. Your other two examples though, you may wanna like check their Instagrams if you think Zoe Saldana is actually green with silver grooves on her face and Djimon Honsou has cybernetic implants on his temples and silver pupils.

It would be extra daring if they didn’t just cover him in prosthetics and made him an alien. Seriously, was Michelle Yeoh’s 10 second post credits cameo in Vol 2 the only speaking “human” role for a POC in the guardians movie? Benicio Del Toro as the Collector, I guess (definitely not human, but looks human except for

Man I really really wanted a lot more hijinks from EP 5. I feel like it was really hyped up as such. It was fine but the “fun” stuff just felt really low energy. There was so much potential for upping the comedic stakes (the scavenger hunt could’ve actually put the ship in danger, the sex swap could’ve involved more

That’s a terrible price for 3 GB. I pay 15/month on TMobile Prepaid 3gb (Simple Connect Plan), which tops out at 35/month for 12gb. My wife pays 40 a month for Verizon prepaid 5gb, with a 5/mo discount for autopay, and another 10/mo loyalty discount (27.55 total with taxes and fees).

Sling is owned by Dish. Fubo seems to be more international and sports-centric, which gives it other avenues to exploit.

Other more costly option would be for Netflix to acquire content like Amazon buying MGM

It’s really sad but this is a likely fate when you’re a media company that shakes the industry up; you get the head start but by showing everyone how it’s done you’re just laying the groundwork for giant conglomerates to swoop in and squeeze you out once they can successfully replicate the infrastructure.

I’ll concede this. With regards to the Greek gods I meant more concepts that would, say, bring the Greek gods to the modern world. I think I’m just generally tired of the Greek gods (and most gods) in general. As you said, in the real texts almost all of them come across as massive assholes, and more often than not

No, however I think games are different as the gameplay experience is of more importance than its setting or premise (which is to say, most games have cringe writing, and most of the time it doesn’t bother me). Also, based on what I’ve seen of Hades the game, it doesn’t look like any big edgy postmodern reimagining of

I am a giant proponent of the forced entry of works into the public domain after a certain time period and unrenewable like Disney likes to do, but yeah I gotta say I am SO over public domain stories being edgified, especially fairy tales, and most especially Little Red Riding Hood and Peter Pan (anything involving

This would be nice in theory and back when checked luggage wasn’t an extra fee.

And slaveowners fed their slaves! They were so lucky!

They don’t need to have Hulu be disney exclusive. My idea was to put all that stuff under their FX banner, which is pretty much Hulu exclusive.