
The simple reality that no one wants to accept is that you don’t get something for nothing, and the root cause of environmental damage - including climate change - is over consumption. Of energy. Of materials. Of space. We don’t want to acknowledge that, so we all go about pretending that ‘EVs’ are some magical answer

People demand shit all the time without regard of the infrastructure needed to provide it.

4th Gear: Looks like good Asian restaurants will be regulated to old buildings for the foreseeable future in NYC. Not sure how you’d wok on induction.

I don’t get the statement hating on KFC in America.

AP News even reported the suspect’s name. I think I still trust AP over Jalopnik.

Of course we’ll see if that reporting is accurate.

Fun story - those brakes are also trash

For context: a cross-country economy-class ticket before deregulation cost $1,600

“as shitty and expensive as they please.”

These fucking adds have to stop. Half my phone screen occupied by bullshit adds. Literally, I can’t even see what I’m typing right now because the upper fucking half is add and the bottom is my keyboard. Getting to be useless on a phone.sometimes less is more. And fuck these adds.

Nah... they were all roughly the same.”

Ford Bro n’ Co., for you... and the boys.

Yo’ mama so wide, she hafta wear extra amber lights when she walk down the street.

“Yo mamma so wide that when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house.”

When she jumps in the air she gets stuck.

This guy could probably use the cash:

Honestly I totally prefer automakers going wild, gauche, tacky, overdone, crass, or cheesy to boring.

I love Dodge. It’s the most American thing one can have.

When you realize that Dodge is fully committed to the conversion of the ICE performance model into an electrified doppelganger of itself, then this all makes sense.  As to the vulgarity?  I’m definitely a fan.  So sue me.

ND. I paid $16,500 for my 2000 Fleetwood Bounder on the F53 chassis. As clean - lower miles - no Mauve. The Yaris is worth - what? - 8 to 10? so +- $25,000. We live on the Gulf Coast so it’s mainly our Hurricane Escape Pod.