
When does this open wide? It's been surprisingly difficult for me to track down.

I had to stop when you said they looked "cool" and not "like the freakish stuff of nightmares".

That doesn't mean they can't update him to actually work on screen. I didn't find him threatening, I thought I was watching a silly looking character from a cartoon.

Considering he's also appearing in the more "realistic" Avengers movies, why not. They updated all of the other characters to a more cinematic, realistic look, so why not this guy? He didn't make the leap from page to screen like most of the other characters have.

Looks pretty stupid, IMO. His proportions are comical instead of threatening or intimidating.

Uh, no. That's obviously inspired by the Bioshock logo.

Agreed, to me Lay Down Sally is his only good song.

Anything by Andy Warhol. Also the TV show MASH.

You left out Mad Season, which, while technically not Alice in Chains, is Staley's absolute best album in my mind.

To me Staley's best work was with Mad Season. One of my favorite albums.

Maybe they should switch to "Boy George Era" just to keep things fresh for you.

NOOOOOOOO!! Harry Anderson was my favorite as a kid. Night Court was my jam. NOT THIS!!!! GAHH

I saw this on iTunes. Was looking forward to it, but a C is probably the right score. It's well shot, the dialogue was understated, and the actors a grade above most "found footage" films. That said it was so well shot it never really was believable as found footage and, as the review implies, goes exactly where it

Oddly I've never seen a single episode of his show and have basically no idea who he is other than that I do know he does in fact exist.

I get the lyrics, they're just dumb. "Yo, when I was in school I was worried I might be gay cause I liked train sets. And my mom was like Macklemore you liked girls since preschool, plus you play little league, and I was like, oh shit, yeah, I can't be gay." Glad you figured it out, dude.

I was fine with the song until it got to the part about him being worried he was gay because he liked to draw. Mande nails it on how dumb those lyrics are.

Where are Val Kilmer and John Cusack? Both are talented actors in desperate need of a rebirth.

"Rick really should’ve said, “They’re fucking with the wrong people.” I
mean, I get why that wouldn’t work (the line would’ve been a joke if it
had been partially censored), but “Well, we’re trapped by a group of
cannibals and I’m trying to rouse the troops!” doesn’t really call for

Yes! Thanks. At first I was like "Hey, they got Shirley Mclane on Supernatural!" and my wife told me no. I remembered her from that movie Devil, just couldn't place her.

Who played that old lady Julia?!? It's on the tip of my brain and I can't find it anywhere.