
Sajek is a real pro and seems like a genuinely nice person.

My main complaint is that I was hoping the space animations took it to the next level. I feel like I've seen better in shows like Journey to the Edge of the Universe or Hubble 3D. Given the world-class status of Cosmos I thought I'd be completely floored, but they were just pretty good.

Not an NBC show but somebody needs to reboot Friday the 13th the Series.

Willie Nelson, Patrick Stewart, Bill Watterson, Bill Murray, Gene Wilder, Leonard Nimoy, Arnold Schwarzenegger

It's an A all the way, no worries.

A+ all the way. Your B+ makes me angry.

I'm guessing he's an amoral, uptight suit that gets in over his head dealing with -insert bad guy name here- and soon regrets his decision. Killed in 2nd act.

They've never really touched on Jesus related material, I wonder if they've purposefully avoided it.

Great episode. Dean and Crowley as a hunting team worked really well, and Cain was a complete badass without doing much of anything — very Death like. Also a bunch of hilarious one-liners. "She's trouble with a capital VD". I wasn't as into the B story with Sam and Cas, as it ultimately goes nowhere anyway.

Push Interstellar and Godzilla to the top and remove Wes Anderson's latest jerk-off fest altogether and it's not a bad list.

Have to say, the actor who played Tio really does an amazing job and makes you sympathize with him even though his character is a complete asshole. You can read every pain and frustration of being trapped in a useless body on his face. Heart-wrenching.

"If I ever get anal polyps, I’ll know what to name them.”

Upvote from the future. Good call.

My biggest takeaway from this is that I had no idea Keith and the Girl was a thing.

Ben Stiller looks like he's practically begging for an Oscar in the ads for this.

I don't think AV Club readers understand what "comeback" means.

Best comeback Alfonso Cuarón? Where did he go exactly?

He tested all the parts I care about, and it sounds like it still a work in progress. It's a game machine, I really don't care how it reroutes something I already have working fine anyway.

I've always marveled at how poorly Microsoft handles the interface. My 360 is a cluster-bomb of tiles, ads, menus and submenus (sort of how AV Club looks now, sadly). After over a year of use I still can't say I understand it. I managed to figure out the four things I need to do to play my games and I do them, while

Yeah, the thing about these movies so far as there's TONS of good stuff in there, there's just way too much of it. If Jackson is smart HE'LL take it upon himself to the do the "single movie" cut that people actually want in a Hobbit movie. Then you get the best of both worlds when you buy the 16 disc Blu-Ray