
C'mon, they aren't that bad.

I'm looking forward to a fan cut of all three movies that trims it down to the most amazing two hour Hobbit movie imaginable.

Ah, the A.V. Club's ironic appreciation of a crappy singer and horrible human being.

I haven't said a single misogynistic thing either this week or last week, and you still labeled me a misogynist because I didn't agree with your take on the show.

And about 20 men died this episode. Look at that, those women killed all those biker dudes. Why do the writer's hate men SO MUCH?!?

Nope. Not when it's so easy to poke holes in this theory. Look at that Cas got tortured. Another man getting tortured for our amusement. Oh, and Dean calls ANOTHER man a Dick. And the angel in Sam turns out to be a bad guy. Yet another male villian. And about 20 biker guys die at the hands of women in this episode.Why

Joyride was a good movie, costarring Steve Zahn. Worth a watch. Sad news.

So it's okay to be terrible as long as you're aware of how terrible you are? I might be able to go far in this business.

"I'm in charge. And no tickling."

Jesus, HAIM was terrible. I think I understood one of every ten words they sang. That would be OK if they weren't so annoying and contrived. I suppose the people who think Lana del Ray is a real talent also enjoy this crap.

Ah, the "shit ton of square photo tiles without clear categorization or ease of navigation" approach. Very Microsofty of you AV Club.

Question: Do alcoholics in real life stare at themselves in the mirror a lot? That seems to be movie short-hand for "troubled alcoholic."

Considering the iPad was just ripped from Star Trek I'm going to assume Apple's research department is just a bunch of TVs and couches.

He does seem to have a strong case of "I have a famous and rich father so fuck you" confidence about him.

Would it involve Jessie wearing a tight catsuit of some kind?

“This is my 11-year-old boy, Ethan. He’s very  vocal and direct, like me. And then Miles, age 13. He’s my eldest son.”

I thought this one was a solid B. The idea of having their "life's work" offed one by one was a solid concept. You could feel the weight of that hanging over them — that the whole thing that had made it "worth it" was being wiped away. And Crowley was in fine, grumpy form.

Wow, I was kind of underwhelmed. Maybe I went in with my expectations too high, but half-way through I suddenly thought "this is kind of a mess and I'm not really enjoying it." I held out hope that it would redeem itself in the end, but I still kind of left unsatisfied.

Wow, I was kind of underwhelmed. Maybe I went in with my expectations too high, but half-way through I suddenly thought "this is kind of a mess and I'm not really enjoying it." I held out hope that it would redeem itself in the end, but I still kind of left unsatisfied.

I thought they were hanging on the shot to show the mom running her hands through his hair (remember he told that stripper (or whatever she was) that he liked when his mom did that?) I don't know the significance of that… I actually thought the movie was a bit of a mess.