
Constantine is underrated. It's not great, but it's highly watchable.

It doesn't bother me as much as it does him apparently, but his explanation to why he feels this way sums up how I feel about the entire Abrams universe. Just make new characters.

Agreed. The title itself ruins the "mystery box" element of this movie. You know right off the bat it's an alien invasion. They could have used that as misdirection and done something clever at the end that plays off your expectations, but no, exactly what you think it is all the way through. Boring ending to an

You completely didn't read my post. I knew she was going to escape, I just thought they were going to surprise me in some way once she did. My point was that there was no surprise at all, not that I thought she wasn't going to get out. You go into the movie thinking it's aliens, all the way through you think it's

SPOILERS: Tying this to Cloverfield did a real disservice to this movie. Right off the bat you think "alien invasion" because of that. But surely they wouldn't make it that obvious since they're doing the whole "mystery box" thing, right? And then John Goodman is a crazy guy talking about aliens and stuff, but that's

Group of eccentrics hit the road after death of a loved one. Instant indie movie, just add water.

Miles Teller has the most punchable face in Hollywood, which pairs nicely with his unlikable personality. Basically the opposite of Han Solo. Please no.

Goodnight Mommy was a big disappointment for me. The trailer was terrifying, but the actual movie was completely dull and scare-free. Ex Machina was a pleasant surprise though and is in my top 10 for the year.

No doubt Kilgrave will escape again for the tenth time.

TIL that I have absolutely no ability to recognize a hair piece of any kind.

Saw it and agree 100%. Everything was set up for a really great anti-Christmas story, they just played it too safe.

"Expensive to produce"… these shows are a dime a dozen. They get around the cost by having all of the "monsters" look just like humans (re: Grimm, Supernatural, etc.). There's a glut of these kind of shows now.

Cheesy? I thought those skeleton soldiers were pretty sweet.

Gone Girl in particular… thought I was watching a Lifetime movie of the week. Ugh.

I went back and forth between hating it and loving it. Ultimately I settled on loving it because I felt like I hadn't seen anything quite like it before. Some of the scenes, like when she takes them into that empty space, really blew me away.

Agree 100% with Gone Girl and The Master. Both WAY overrated because OMG David Fincher and Paul Thomas Anderson!!!!! Both directors have some great top 50 material but both of those movies will be forgotten in 10 years as their lesser works.

A definitive yes. Critical reception aside, the technical quality and scope of 2001 influenced an entire genre of entertainment and artists. That would not change regardless of who directed it or what the past and current critical reception was.

2001 isn't a great example in this scenario because even if the director had been unknown it still would have been a landmark film from technical film that people still talked about today. If PT Anderson hadn't directed the Master it likely wouldn't even be in the top 50 of this list. I seriously doubt anyone will be

If I thought there was something more to get in regards to The Master I might consider rewatching it. I don't. Seems like a half-realized story with some good acting, definitely not the best movie of the decade.

REMADE: Explorers and They Live
SEQUEL: Master and Commander and Galaxy Quest