
Now you’re making me hungry. Damn you!

This guy got off because the judge understood enough of the defense’s explanation on how NAT and DHCP works. Which is probably the exception, not the rule.

Cobblers (shoe repairer) are a dying breed, not having seen the movie, I imagine it's about some dude's last hurrah/doing good deeds to bring attention and good vibes to his kind.

Parents, your rebuttal.

Mussels are naturally pre-seasoned, how can anyone get that shit wrong? Toss them in a medium-hot pan with butter, add white wine, steep for 30 seconds, and enjoy!

Pretty much verbatim, so fucking scary, like you are Donald Trump's own voice box.

Hire this guy!

Yeah, just make sure you tie it to this.

“We Finally Know Why Birds Are So Freakishly Smart”

Probably a couple longhorn carcasses, which HE himself slaughtered and cut up. Texas, home of nothing but 72 Oz. steaks.

I didn’t see a video, something about, “Requires RealPlayer Plug-in to play.”

“That John Denver is full of shit, man."

Good old “o rly” owl, how I missed thee.

Needs more [tactical] barrel roll though. Sigh. Can’t have it all, I guess.

Ha! Reminds me of the time I walked into a CompUSA wearing the store colors, red shirt and black pants. Helped out a couple customers, chilled in the employee break room, and eventually had to get my shift “covered” for the rest of the day (due to explosive diarrhea). Ah, those were the halcyon days.

BUT, BUT... it's unique TO YOU!