
I addressed the increasing costs point; yes, I’m okay with paying more. However, a company, like Comcast, keeps raising prices, and at the same time they keep reducing the value of the service (Bandwidth caps, throttling Netflix, etc.). Data transmission capacity keeps going up year after year, it’s irrelevant to look

Competition is good for customers and companies that are in the market to offer a good value (not screw) customers. Bills have to be paid, inflation - — sure, I’m willing to pay a bit more every year. BUT when your service costs rise significantly year-over-year, and every price increase comes with new restrictions on

Or have the whole executive board kicked in the nuts on live TV. I’d be cool with them buying DW on that condition.

They would have to make a deal with the Federal government. Otherwise, they’d be forfeiting almost 1/2 that amount as soon as it’s brought into the U.S. Apple needs that money for conducting business, it’s like Teddy’s Big Stick.

“... motorcycle cops do all day?”

Nah, herd immunity FTW!

Or this gigli but!

Redesign the flag? Are you crazy?

Señor Etruscan, may I see that bill?

Looks like a concert flyer/leaflet. Although, I agree that we should put more modern stuff on our currency.

Did you even read the spec sheet? This product supports:

This is a DAS, not a backup solution.

High ✋!

96 TiB for Windows Temp Files 😂

“...first successful flight...”

“It’s a good reminder that, even right next to us, there’s still so much about space that we don’t know.”


Hot Pockets ≠ pizza