
@Antoine Prince: Ahhhh.... you got me! I watched the video and skipped to 20 seconds to hope for something.. well... entertaining..... And...... hmmm......

@aec007: I thought it was more like 153 million gallons? Either way, the Gulf is kind of screwed for awhile.

@. . . . Xterm11: LOL... I saw someone post this on Gawker yesterday too. Made my day two days in a row! I'm going to go visit the site and read more funnies now....

@SJRNWT: You found yourself in one of the two pictures above huh?

@sam-a: They sell magic beans for $1.45... Sweet Jesus!

That's awesome! So that one steak I had, that was the best steak I ever had in my life... I could eat again?

@Owen Good: Why does HE NOT suck would be easier to explain...

@xmywreckingballx: Then you can punch him in the face too!... virtually I mean.

Guess I'm not buying Madden this year... Huh.. I'm kind of at a loss over that. But, FUCK THAT, I refuse to buy this game now.

Please do not use chic anymore on posting articles.... I'm traumatized from that word due to the damn Appliance Direct commercials....

@nick2ny: I like these posts, one of my favorites. You are not parking like an asshat and taking this personally are you?

@KeyserSöze: You meant 5'2" right? Then that would have been funny!

This is a pretty cool journey. I give the guy props for doing this, prior to a tutorial being posted about it.

@xsbs: you don't own a laptop do you? Tethering rocks! Beats a $60 /month aircard for traveling, road trips, business, going outside your house!