
@phatnackySS: Did you just have a skittles orgasm?

How come gays got the rainbow? I would say they are neat, but then I would be labeled gay! What if our kids like rainbows? What does that mean? NOOO

F U Alex Severedpenis!!!

Very misleading article... Don't say factory installed if they are modified. Come on Jalop!!!

@tankman: Well, that would have been nice to know! I need to look into these blog posts more in depth. They tend to put a FoxNews type spin on things.

@Praben: Crap! I got riled up and threw my drink. That was dumb...

@John Kennedy: I dazed out and forgot! YA!!!! EXPAND ON THIS!?!?!?!?

This is why religion sucks....

@stephdumas: That is strange. Unless they are trying to not show favoritism?

Is this even legal or ethical in any way? If I was another car company I would sue somebody over this. Seriously, the government owns GM and he is basically their new spokesperson?

I went to UCF, finished 2 years ago. That test lab was BS, proctors roamed like Nazi's!

@P161911 probably shoudn't have: You can buy big stuff here in Florida, like mortar shells. But, it is illegal to set those big ones off. You have to sign paperwork saying you will take them out of state or not light them, or some crap like that.

@rewards: Shouldn't you live like it's your last day?

@Garion: I am Danish, living in the US. I thought I was only one that hated baseball!

@Stevox: Probably too late now...

Jalop started a trend of OE car manufacturers challenging each other to races? Just because they accepted a PR stunt by GM last year? Hmm.

Just like baseball. Up to some hilljack imbred ref to decide the fate of the game. Sucks.

Looks kind of lame actually...

I HATE Verizon, but I think it's time we give them a try at the iPhone. Or T-Mobile or Sprint. Hell, MetroPCS should get a shot. Actually, let me start a network and give me the damn phone to sell and provide service for. Anything must be better than this AT&T crap.

Epic iPhone Pre-Fail