
Let me know what you find, I have been so Jalop and Giz loyal I don't know what else is out there. Good time to start searching...

I'm OK with change if it is for the better, but I don't see how this is better for the READERS??? Based on the reason they changed the site, to promote their headline stories, it seems they care more about the new outside traffic they can bring in whenever they get a big story. The will leave the story on the main

@GymMasterAlex: That game was awesome. I forgot all about it, thank you for the memory of countless hours of murdering people!

I never go to autoblog, I hate it. You are right about the mess going on here though.

The automatic fail on teaching people how to use your website is pretty good.... It is true though. Maybe someone needs to visit the oatmeal and read some of those comics on how to design webpages...

Ummm. Jalop classic isn't the old site, it's a funked version of the new site. Anyone else see this?

Well I hate James May... so there!

This is one block from my work! LOL I was wondering what the hell the police were all over that plaza for...

Scott Redmond, I know you will read this, since you are obsessed with yourself, so go to hell you manipulative public scamming POS.

I'm alone here... but I LOVE all of the resident evil movies... So there...

@deadmeat1: 3 towers! Do you live in a MOBILE home? LOL

@tominva: Sprint doesn't work in central Florida, it rates as the worst carrier. Seriously, it is bad. AT&T and Verizon are a close battle for best coverage here.

@NorthernRoamer: If it was a prop that would be lame... He is a REAL Marlboro Man!

@Businessinthefront: "Lakeway really isn't a small town, its a cancerous growth on the south-west nutsack of Austin"

@Feared: You must drive a Dodge Neon.....

What is the deal with all the deleted comments?

Florida sucks... It's just going to be cold tonight, like 25F, and no snow. *sigh*

The guy in the diaper? Seriously? WTF is wrong with that guy that it was pertinent to take time out of his day to do that.