@switzerr: Nice.... just nice..
@switzerr: Nice.... just nice..
Chevy Tahoe's have the same issue too. I've seen it first hand. Damn Union work.
@Lysol (No Homo): I LOLed and got in trouble for not doing my work... Thanks alot jackass!
@Con Seannery: SAVE PONIES!: Get off your ass and go check!
@heroineworshipper: Thanks for summing it up....
@The Squalor and the Fury: We will just have to block the 3D posts.... *sigh*
This is the first mention of Tron today? I thought there would be a big post on how it is the biggest movie ever and.... oh... wait.....
That's it? You're doing it wrong!
@carlosmachina: Somebody should promote this comment... Good post, thanks for the extra detail.
My boss uses this endlessly and so does a few of our customers (a Fortune 500 auto manufacturer purchasing department). How do I stop the horror?????
@Amoliski: Ummm.... *sigh*
That seems like good supporting evidence...
A phone book was used yesterday actually, my father passed away and due to my families distress and intolerable internet connection, we used a phone book to find a funeral home. Horrible situation, but we used one.
This guy should go stick his member in a light socket and finish himself off. Less stupid movies will be released and make the world a better place...
I'm glad Jalop actually put an entire post on this an not just a link.
@Good_Ole_Pinocchio: How is that BB working out after today? Closing now sign up?
@dezcori: If you are 5 years old and the other option is a tricycle it is!
@drewthat: This comment has fucking win written all over it! Awesome rant...
@Spinnyd: So true it's sad...
The end is here....