Give Knox A Grant

And who gets to decide which voices are legitimate, and which voices are not?

So Katie, when are you going to swallow your pride and apologize to everyone whose comments you dismissed for supporting Hardwick when this story first broke? We’re waiting...

That was never in question.

See, I think that line of reasoning is problematic too. Yes, there are lots of 16 year olds who are emotionally immature, but there are plenty with impressive emotionally maturity, and most significantly, there’s no objective measure of emotional maturity to being with. It’s all speculative. Moreover, there are lots

This is absolutely beside the point of whether Twitter should allow his content, but let me comment on your suggestion that Jones’ content had caused violence.

Yeah, I was making a little incest joke there. Didn’t land.

Whoa. Way to up the EW-factor in a hurry. 

I’m not sure to which events you’re referring, but unless they pertain to a violation of Twitter rules then I’m sure they won’t be relevant to the topic at hand. As a philosophical aside, this discussion thread has no purpose without differing opinions and keeping said opinions to yourself rather defeats the purpose,

Actually, I’m not advocating anything on Jones’ behalf. Indeed, I’m making no judgements about the quality of Jones’ work at all. I’m merely defending Twitter’s decision to host his content. I can see you disagree with what he does, and I’m sure your concerns are valid. But so long as he isn’t breaking any laws or

Well, Jones clearly has more than a few supporters who agree with his unorthodox perspectives. I can’t really comment on the content Jones produces. I can only suggest that Twitter isn’t wrong to allow him to say his piece, however disagreeable it may be.

Right. So having established that the age of the girl has little bearing on the appropriateness of attraction (so long as they’re mature), we then have the separate matter of the age difference. Now it’s well documented fact that most men date/marry younger women; the average age gap varies from 5 to 10 years

An adult is anyone aged 18 or older, yes? You don’t honestly mean to tell me that no one could possibly visually mistake a 16 year old for 18 or vice versa, do you? Because that is patently absurd. So if there’s no intrinsic problem with finding an 18 year old attractive, what would be the issue with finding a

Respectfully, there are many 16 year olds who are visually indistinguishable from other young adults above the age of majority.

Yes, yes those are all quite fine.

Counter-point: if there were no Florida, The Root would be missing about half its content. 

I’m saying so long as he is, Twitter has no cause to ban him.

That’s not what I’m saying, but, let’s run with that anyhow. How is one idiot different than the next? Legitimacy is not measured in number of followers.

I don’t think that’s an unreasonable take. Hell, it would be a very different world if people were only exposed to content that was rational, compassionate and vetted by topical experts. But, c’mon, this is Earth. And specifically, the internet. It’s like 98% bullshit. And I can’t make a strong case why we should censo

Read on... the debate continues...

Wait, what’s not common sense? Are you saying it’s unreasonable to assert that there’s leftist content on Twitter? Hey if you want to be a skeptic, don’t take me at my word. Have a quick look for yourself a bring a bathing suit, because you’re about to be swimming liberal rhetoric...