Give Knox A Grant

Whoa, did I misread something? Did he rape and murder them? I thought he just asked them if they showered.

I would give you a hundred stars if I could.

You’re not kidding! Yesterday I insinuated this was a publicity move for Dykstra; not to incite, but as an earnest take on the situation. It wasn’t terribly sensitive, and it garnered some outrage, but it wasn’t intrinsically offensive. In fact, it had a good deal of support too.

Four fried chickens and a coke.

As a mentally ill person, you must understand that there are a litany of mental illnesses that each present with different behavioural symptoms depending on the individual. I appreciate that you’re not racist, but your logic does not apply to this situation.

I love the man, but he really doesn’t have range. Take a guy like Stanley Tucci... you could literally put him in any role, in any movie, and he would be consistently amazing. Travolta... he needs roles that play to his strengths. It’s been a while since he’s found one.

I’m not suggesting reverse racism. Simply preoccupation.

I’m not sure either Hitler or the Klan are intrinsically inappropriate. They’re only subjects of sensitivity because they’re lacking the benefit of time. What if he dressed up as a Turkish soldier? They committed genocide against Armenians, but no one would make a peep about that. Or how about Napoleon? Genghis Khan?

Johnny T may be down, but he is never out. One good Pulp Fiction calibre role and he’ll be back on top again. I know it.

You’ve troubled yourself to cross-reference my work? I think I’m flattered.

That’s absolutely correct. But, I make a firm distinction between someone who says or does something that could be construed as racist out of mental instability and someone who’s being racist out of clear-minded malice and hate.

I really don’t know. Maybe it’s because they’re black. Maybe it’s because they’re women. Maybe it’s because they came out of the dressing room dry, and this guy found it conspicuous. I could only speculate what was going through this guys head, but I don’t care to do that because I seriously doubt it was anything

And there is the entire problem in a nutshell.

Actress and professional cosplayer. Read: Attention whore. And what better for that then a good victim-narrative?

I’m not sure people aren’t misinterpreting the situation here. I’m hearing a lot of people cry ‘racism’, but from what I can see, this man is probably mentally ill. I couldn’t say if it’s OCD, a personality disorder, or something on the autism spectrum, but he doesn’t look right to me.

I’m shocked you didn’t garner more outrage. Although, I happen to agree with your two-sided take. Homeless encampments are pretty disgusting. Of course, I’d never dream of tearing one down... not because it’s wrong, but because I wouldn’t want to touch it. That seems like a job for a flame-thrower. Kill it with fire,

Funny you should say that. Weinstein is almost certainly guilty, but I’m predicting he’ll walk away from this scot-free.

I concur. It was a Praxis-scale disaster.

Highly disturbing.
