
"spent its first season detailing the convoluted goings-on at Neptune High in the fictional California oceanside town of Jupiter."
That was intentional, right?

That Pinocchio quote was pretty easy to identify - it was as ann as the nose on Plain's face.

There's only so much you can do with the federal government. There's something to be said for legislation to limit the max amount of money that can be spent in an entire campaign, which would naturally push campaigns to wait as long as possible before they start to invest heavily, and could potentially go in hand with

2016, 2000, …?

If you like board games, but don't like how they're not video games, there's a Humble Bundle on with Android versions of Catan, Ticket to Ride, San Juan, Scotland Yard, and more.

We've still got some star players left. Warren, Booker, Gillibrand, and Franken are all still in the Senate, and soon they'll be joined by my newest Senator Kamala Harris.
Just copying the Republicans' shitty playbook won't get us anywhere, but no one's planning on lying down.

Isn't that the opposite of what "goy" means?

Yeah, she's been planning a (day)before/(day)after thing for a while.

To say nothing of JJJ (what was Webhead supposed to do, deny the friend request?)

Well, plurality.

Remember that time they were going to change the time when WOT articles were posted and we rioted and got our way? Let's put that dangerous precedent to use!

It certainly looks good. I'm sure I'll check it out eventually.

I feel like "the cursed Hope Diamond is constructed in an early 19th century French foundry" has the makings of a pretty sick steampunk story.

Eh. As I understand, it's not not a sequel, in that there's no reason to think it doesn't follow the first on a narrative timeline (I haven't actually seen either movie).

You mean you don't actually live in the realm between realms?! Just what I need, another deeply held belief crushed.

I know we're supposed to go easy on these kids, but what nineteenth-century foundry was contructing diamonds?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's probably not true, and definitely didn't affect the outcome of the election.

Obviously it's not going to happen with the incoming administration, but a joint platform of campaign finance reform, shortening of campaigns, voting accessibility and the possible dissolution of the electoral college would be a powerful position for 2020 (2018?). But maybe that's wishful thinking.

I don't know who you're representing, but congressional Republicans basically ruined faith in the US government with their obstructionism, and that's what led to Trump. Republicans killed all progress, and instead of blaming them, people blamed congress as a whole.
Because if we don't like what the news is saying,

That'll teach The Onion for supporting Trump.