
Yeah, but did you try turning your computer off and on again?

I’m sure this was covered in the pre-Kinjapocalypse comments, but the “Just because I don’t blind my disciples…” line was a reference to Gao’s blind, culty heroin packagers/couriers from DD S1.

Great Job, America!

I think SexWithMe was someone else, who had an injustice done to/upon them?

Right, and that does date back to TOS, but it wasn't made clear until much later whether they'd socially evolved past emotion (i.e. repressed it) or literally, biologically evolved past it.
Given that this all happened after the Time of Awakening brought forth by the "highly respected Vulcan" you mentioned (his name

So what's next for her? Schumer and Gillibrand aren't going anywhere, and Cuomo probably isn't either. Is there any other office she'd be considering, or is she just done?

Member when Republicans and Democrats kind of got along, and Congress occasionally did stuff? Member?

McCain absolutely lost any respect I had for him (which after elevating Palin admittedly wasn't much) when he said he'd block Clinton SCOTUS appointments for 4 years, and now he's one of like five nationally prominent Republicans to stand up to Trump? Dammit, I really didn't want to root for him again.

I too liked this show and am disappointed.

I'm pretty sure the charges were dropped. The complainant got hit with a wave of death threats just as she was about to come forward publicly, or something.

Plus he could have spent centuries with the Dread Dormammu, or longer.

It was almost a curse how likable Veronica was. They tried showing how her self-assuredness and self-righteousness could put her on the wrong side of things in the earlier seasons, most notably with Jackie, but the audience nearly always ended up siding with Veronica anyway so it tended to fall flat. With season 3

I can certainly understand that interpretation, but Veronica was still a student at the top of her class and had a strong interest in crimebusting when her dad was sheriff - she just never applied it. While it's undeniable that without Lily she became more confident and self-possessed, the seeds were always there.

I don't know about that. We don't see a lot of her in those days, but she was always smart and driven, just not as secure in her convictions and much more eager to be loved.
And I didn't mean she was necessarily singing in front of a lot of people.

No way Veronica and Lily never had karaoke parties. And they had to come up with some excuse for Bell to sing.

Watch it again! It's great!

I am a little curious about whether Bell could go low enough for the "And when the lights are all out…" part.

I feel like she could have farmed that out to Mac.

No, you're conflating the two. The Castle is the one that Jake was involved with and the one that actually targeted Veronica (although even then they didn't actually do a lot to her).

I disagree. The season arc of two and the mini-arcs of S3 were not as strong as S1, and you can quibble about how boring Piz is or how misrepresentitive the feminist Lilith House was (in my opinion both of these tend to be overstated), but the writing and acting was always top shelf.
I'll grant you Veronica at college