
That guy's running for governor?

Maybe if it was Tom Hiddleston...

I used to drink a couple of cans of Diet Coke a day...and when I quit cold turkey, I could barely get out of bed for a week. Thank God I wasn't working at the time. I'm not tempted by Diet Coke anymore, but in the first few months after I quit, whenever I was, I thought, "Remember how sick it made you to stop drinking

Anyone remember that scene from "Gilmore Girls" where Luke pushes Jess into the lake?

Obviously the odds weren't great enough.

Yeah, the outfit is hideous.

Report him.

So sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself...

Has anyone heard from her?

I use a cane and I'm female.

I've been where you are. I know it looks hopeless right now, but you can get through this. Please call a suicide hotline or get to a hospital. Whatever's going on in your life that you need to have stop - killing yourself to get away from it isn't the answer, no matter how tempting it looks right now. Please check in

I'm trying really hard to stay objective because I really don't know much about this apart from what I've read on here...

Their "errors"? Seriously?

Well, that just pisses me off even more, because all this time she's billed it, to the public and to the people on the show (at least on screen) like it's about sustainable weight loss. And then to say, "Well it's more about entertainment..." Well fuck you, Jillian. As someone else said, this is about peoples' lives.

Can't stand this show. Exploitative bullshit.

Goodwill pays its disabled workers appallingly low wages (I've heard reported figures of less than a dollar per hour for some people) while its top execs make well into 6 figures a year. They'll never get any of my money or my donations again.


Drinking Coke from a can and wishing it was wine...watching "As Good As It Gets" on cable...

We're all about the glamourous life over here. Cheers.