
Maybe try and act like an adult next time, k pumpkin? In case you haven’t been paying attention the last few weeks, real live existing people are being put in danger thanks to Trump. We could have prevented all that if certain people stopped acting like spoiled children who throw a tantrum when they find out dinner

The fact is, Bernie didn’t bring out the numbers Clinton did and he definitely didn’t bring out the numbers Obama did. The race between the two wasn’t close. I don’t know why people think the person who had the least support in the primary was going to win in a general when they couldn’t build a coalition of all the

The choice was between the worst human being ever to run for office in your lifetime or Hillary Clinton and you threw a hissy that got the former elected. Why the fuck should we worry about alienating you?

And those people fail to realize the GOP has an opposition file on Bernie that is huge. Just a few of the choice bits make the email shit look like child’s play - the mainstream would have recoiled at him. Just the word “socialism” in “democratic socialism” has been ingrained with many as inherently bad. There is a

No, but just because Hitler pointed out that Pol Pot was evil doesn’t make Hitler less evil or a good person to lecture others on their misdeeds. It also doesn’t make Hitler less hypocritical.

No I don’t. Hillary won because more people wanted her to be the nominee. She got almost 4 million more votes than Bernie. Sorry. I liked Bernie, but more people wanted Hillary to be the candidate.

This. Obama got de-railed for falsely being accused of being a socialist. What did people think was gonna happen to Bernie?

I think she was more a pawn. There was an article a while back about how Putin played the left against each other by making the Bernie bros think that the DNC rigged the primary and encouraging them to vote for Jill Stein.

Those same people keep bringing up that Hillary lost because she didn’t get out the POC vote the way Obama did, but conveniently completely forget that Bernie had almost zero outreach to POC and they overwhelmingly preferred Hillary.

You did your duty, This is for the busters that still think Bernie would have won with zero evidence and those still saying economic policies would somehow erase racism/sexism. Are you questioning primaries while we are in a full blown kleptocracy?, it’s not about you.,

Ugh I am still seeing people claim that Bernie TOTALLY could have beat Trump if the DNC hadn’t hijacked his campaign. I won’t make any silly claim either way, but I also think it’s fair to be skeptical that a self-described socialist Jew who looks close to 100 and has limited ties and support to the party whose

“It doesn’t matter because you weren’t born in this country.”

This might be tin foil hat territory but this picture makes me think that she was either in on this whole thing or a pawn in Russia’s scheme to fuck over America bigly.

Yes, because these people are idiots.

Moonbeam is my hero forever.

We will try to be the obi wan of the country.

The alphabet method has led to more bad head than Supercuts.

You are bad at reading in context.

The race to the bottom continues. Come move to the west coast everyone. It’s great, we have weed and tacos.

We exist solely for Joe Biden.