
Why do people keep forgetting that the DNC didn’t choose Hilary, Democrat voters in the primary did. It didn’t matter who the fuck you think should have been nominated for the presidency.

As a Senator and SOS Clinton had very high approval ratings. It’s only when she dared to run for POTUS that she suddenly become so unpopular. So basically you’re just admitting to falling for GOP propaganda.

I remember hearing the same thing from the last time Hillary Clinton lost an election. America would never vote for a black guy with a weird foreign sounding name.

What’s it like to have so much privilege that you can just ignore the decades of gerrymandering and Black voter disenfranchisement that made this electoral “victory” possible? I know the actual facts of racist and classist voter suppression aren’t nearly as compelling as the endless wanking narrative of “The DNC

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

I’m sure the guy who got slaughtered by Hillary would have totally beat Trump! You know, the socialist Jew. That would have played super well.

Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!

No. That’s the whole point. I AM home in California, because that’s where I’m born and bred! Your backwoods, cousin-porking, source-of-pride slave-owning, confederate-flag-flying, booger-eating, clinging-to-the-days-it-was-a-source-of-pride-to-own-other-HUMAN-BEINGS ancestors are YOUR PROBLEM.

You are comparing Muslim refugees and green card holders to Nazis?

“Never again!” We yelled for years, without actually fucking meaning it, apparently.

This is what America did to the Jews in WWII. We are literally repeating history and no one is stopping this.

The GOP and everyone participating in enforcing this bullshit are complicit in crimes against humanity.

The reason I can comment on this story is because America took in refugees during WWII.

You’d think after Obama has so much trouble getting anything done that we’d all realize that the President doesn’t have unlimited power.

Abbi destroying Whole Foods gives me life.

Reasoning with them hasn’t helped anything, treating white supremacy like another idea at the table is what got us here.

The morans disagree.

My favorite anecdote from a friend at the DC March: “My husband pointed out about halfway through the march that he hadn’t yet seen a misspelled sign. I watched carefully after that, and he was right — thousands of signs, not a single misspelling.”

Nice to see we’re here in this comment section shitting on people who are doing good things just because they aren’t perfect. Nice to see we’ve learned our lesson from this past election: that nobody’s perfect, and demanding perfection gets us nothing. It’s nice to see.