It’s not relevant at all, and it’s offensive, which is why it’s journalistic standard NOT to do that. You can’t assume he was ‘born female’, as female is a gender. Presumably he was born male and his body just didn’t match up to his gender identity.
It’s not relevant at all, and it’s offensive, which is why it’s journalistic standard NOT to do that. You can’t assume he was ‘born female’, as female is a gender. Presumably he was born male and his body just didn’t match up to his gender identity.
There is a clear indicator. Transman always means female to male. Transwoman always means male to female. Also, most news sites tend not to be huge dumpster fires and deliberately misgender people anymore.
I enjoy how, when it was pointed out that you were using the correct pronouns in your original post, you doubled down and began using incorrect pronouns, presumably because you are a huge gaping anus who somehow gained the ability to type.
And you’re not aware of the universal journalistic standard which states that you always use someone’s preferred pronouns and stated name? Do you also have to “investigate further” by “reading other articles” every time you need to know what 2+2 is? Do you just make assumptions about what color the sky is, and pray if…
He doesn’t have a penis, that’s the whole point.
True fact:
From a purely selfish standpoint, I’m crushed that Joe didn’t throw his hat into the Presidential election ring. If he had, I’m quite sure he’s be leading Orange Julius by about 40 points today.
Thanks Tumblr!
It's an extension of the medieval Eurocentric colonial culture they were raised in. The crisis of identity in the West is making for some seriously good viewing.
It's the 'states rights, no federal protections for anything' thing that gets my goat about libertarians. Progressive ballot measures are easier to defeat at state and local levels, except in outlier super lib places like Washington. Matters of human rights can't be relegated to the states. There are things that need…
There is a pretty good website that explains how vaccines cause autism:
My first choice is Sanders, but my second choice isn’t Clinton, who shares a great many of Sanders’s policy positions, but Johnson, who shares none of Sanders’s policy positions. Because we can’t betray the revolution (which apparently has no substantive policy goals). Also, I like that Sanders and Johnson are both…
Causation.... correlation... yadda yadda yadda. You can’t argue with stupid, yo. I just stopped trying. In all my years of arguing with anti vaxxers, climate change deniers, anti Monsanto plebs, I’ve never changed a single mind. :/
They don’t believe in any government regulation of basically any corporate action, from insider trading to discriminatory practices to drilling for oil. They’re pretty far from the Democrats on a great many issues, many of which have been declared the very most important issue facing us as a country (regulating Wall…
So...I mean...I guess I sort of get why she’d rather Trump be President than Clinton? Plus the other day Trump just outright said voting for her helped him, so there’s that. Stein 2016! Make America Dumb Again!
That’s what I laugh about. Have these fuckers ever heard Donald Trump speak? Or listened to recordings of some of our previous presidents? JFK sounded like he swallowed the city of Boston and a silver spoon. And Lincoln allegedly had an awful speaking voice.
Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.
There’s more to the story...
I don’t remember who tweeted it, so I apologize for not giving credit, but there was a tweet last night along the lines of...