flowering cactus

There’s a rape scene in a FICTIONAL STORY he wrote. That does not mean he “must be into some fucked-up shit”. Can people really not tell the difference between the writer and his work? He MAKES THINGS UP. It’s his job, you idiots.

He’s a fiction writer... seriously, wtf is wrong with people?? He has ideas. He writes them down. His stories are always fantastical. It really upsets me seeing so many people insulting him & acting like he’s some huge pervert because of this one part of one book. It’s not an instruction manual. It’s not telling

“And yet, 31 years later, it’s still completely bonkers that this ever made it into print.” Uh... why? This is the story that he decided to write. Are we going to burn books now because they make us uncomfortable? He writes crazy stories, so what??

So... he can’t put anything else in his 700+ page book? The book can only be about one thing, and nothing else can happen? Geez, you people really hate creativity a lot.

Right? It is so outrageous to me that these people are nit-picking scenes in a book, by an author, who writes stories for a living. This is literally his job, people, and he never swore an oath to only write things you’re all comfortable with. Grow up.

Honestly, King is one of the gentlest, kindest, and nicest people I’ve ever met. You’re right about him being kind by not telling people straight to their faces that this kind of incensed reaction is why he’s the world-famous, crazily prolific, beloved horror author - and they’re not.

I know, and I love how SK said exactly that - that the fact that people see murder in fiction as okay, but sex as a no-no, says a lot about society.

My thoughts exactly. Oh, there’s a precedent for brutally murdering children, so that’s somehow okay and this isn’t? Saying that is basically shunning creative / original thinkers - hey authors, just make sure that what you write about in horror’s been done many times before so we don’t call you a pervert / sicko!

What is everyone so bent out of shape about? If you hate it, don’t read his work - he deals in fantastical, fictional stories that he made up. Are people worried that kids are going to read this and have gangbangs? Like, seriously, what’s the harm? These aren’t kids’ books were talking about.

It’s not to bring together a group of others adolescents - she’s included in the group. That’s why it’s very contradictory - it’s not “for” the males, it’s “for” all of them, including her.

Is it just me, or... is this fiction, and he can write whatever he pleases without having the PC police ragging on him for it? Oh yeah, THAT would be fiction.

I’m white, female, and already so tired of hearing this ignorance being called “whitewomaning”... I am not like this. My friends & family do not say these stupid things... “Why didn’t he say ALL women?” ...smh!! Because Puffy said BLACK women!!!! Ugh 😑

You’re right, the sexual violence isn’t just aimed at women, but the camera & writing focused on Theon while he was tortured - when Sansa was being raped, did it focus on Sansa’s pain? Nope - again, it focused on Theon’s. THIS aspect is what I have a problem with.

A lot of the reason for the outrage is actually *because* the rape was off-camera. We saw Theon’s torture; we agonized with him; we felt his pain. We weren’t given that opportunity when Sansa (a main character!!!) was raped off-camera.

I think (and others have said as well) that Sansa’s rape was actually much worse because it wasn’t gruesome and *was* off camera. It dehumanized it. If we had seen the pain on her face, and if it was a more scary or gruesome scene (a Sopranos scene comes to mind), it would have shown how awful rape really is, but

IF I was First Lady, I’d use the position to work my ass off every day to use my influence for good - including securing fair financial compensation for myself and future First Ladies. “Pay me and I’ll do something” is an immature and counterproductive way of thinking. Eleanor Roosevelt and all of the other

If i was First Lady, I’d do as much good as I could - including fighting to get a salary for myself and future First Ladies. “Pay me and I’ll lift a finger” is, IMO, both a plutocratic/conservative way of operating and a spoiled & immature way to act when you’re already very comfortable financially and in a position

“The “challenging” women you’re looking for will usually be not be the ones you think of first as challenging. Women who have their lives together and are educated and intelligent aren’t going to be screaming “look who smart and successful I am!”. Food for thought.”
